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Ewha University


뉴욕타임즈, 본교 국제화 프로젝트 소개

  • 작성처
  • 등록일2007.04.12
  • 17941
'글로벌 이화 2010 프로젝트' NYT 기사

본교의 '글로벌 이화 2010 프로젝트'에 대한 내용이 뉴욕타임즈(4월11일자)에 게재되었다.

전세계 대학에 부는 영어강의 열풍에 관한 기사내용 중 한국대학에서는 유일하게 본교의 국제화 프로젝트 및 영어강의 계획을 상세히 소개했다.

다음은 연합뉴스의 관련기사와 NYT 기사 전문.

NYT, 영어강의 확산 사례로 한국대학 소개

뉴욕타임스(NYT)가 11일 영어권이 아닌 지역의 대학들에서 영어 강의가 확산돼 영어가 글로벌 교육 언어가 되고 있다면서 한국 대학들의 사례를 소개해 눈길을 모으고 있다.

신문은 세계적으로 경영대학원을 중심으로 영어 강의가 확대되고 있는 가운데 한국의 몇몇 대학에서는 교과과정의 30%까지를 영어로 수업을 실시하는 등 학부로도 영어 강의가 확산되고 있다고 소개했다.

신문은 이화여대의 경우 신입생들에게 4개의 강의를 영어로 듣도록 하는 내용이 포함된 글로벌 2010 프로젝트를 추진하고 있다면서 120년 전통의 이화여대는 영어강의 확대를 위해 50명의 외국인 교수를 임용할 계획이라고 다뤘다.

신문은 이화여대 관계자의 말을 인용, 초기에는 영어 강의가 한국어로 수업하는 것보다 지식 전달 면에서 효율성이나 효과가 떨어지겠지만 학생들이 결과적으로 혜택을 볼 것이라면서 학생들이 국제화시대에 글로벌 리더의 자질을 갖추도록 하는 것이 학교의 목표라고 전했다.

신문은 또 고려대의 전임 총장은 영어로 진행되는 강의의 비중을 60%까지로 확대하는 것을 추진하기도 했다고 소개했다.

한편 전문가에 따르면 영어권이 아닌 곳에서 영어로 진행되는 석사 과정 수가 최근 3년간 배로 늘어 1천700개 대학에서 3천300개에 달하고 있다고 신문은 전했다.

- 2007년 4월 12일 연합뉴스

English as Language of Global Education

PARIS, April 7 — When economics students returned this winter to the elite École Normale Supérieure here, copies of a simple one-page petition were posted in the corridors demanding an unlikely privilege: French as a teaching language.

“We understand that economics is a discipline, like most scientific fields, where the research is published in English,” the petition read, in apologetic tones. But it declared that it was unacceptable for a native French professor to teach standard courses to French-speaking students in the adopted tongue of English.

In the shifting universe of global academia, English is becoming as commonplace as creeping ivy and mortarboards. In the last five years, the world’s top business schools and universities have been pushing to make English the teaching tongue in a calculated strategy to raise revenues by attracting more international students and as a way to respond to globalization.

Business universities are driving the trend, partly because changes in international accreditation standards in the late 1990s required them to include English-language components. But English is also spreading to the undergraduate level, with some South Korean universities offering up to 30 percent of their courses in the language. The former president of Korea University in Seoul sought to raise that share to 60 percent, but ultimately was not re-elected to his post in December.

In Madrid, business students can take their admissions test in English for the elite Instituto de Empresa and enroll in core courses for a master’s degree in business administration in the same language. The Lille School of Management in France stopped considering English a foreign language in 1999, and now half the postgraduate programs are taught in English to accommodate a rising number of international students. Over the last three years, the number of master’s programs offered in English at universities with another host language has more than doubled, to 3,300 programs at 1,700 universities, according to David A. Wilson, chief executive of the Graduate Management Admission Council, an international organization of leading business schools that is based in McLean, Va.

“We are shifting to English. Why?” said Laurent Bibard, the dean of M.B.A. programs at Essec, a top French business school in a suburb of Paris that is a fertile breeding ground for chief executives.

“It’s the language for international teaching,” he said. “English allows students to be able to come from anyplace in the world and for our students — the French ones — to go everywhere.”

This year the university is celebrating its 100th anniversary in its adopted tongue. Its new publicity film debuted in English and French. Along one of the main roads leading into Paris loomed a giant blue billboard boasting of the anniversary in French and, in smaller letters, in English.

Essec has also taken advantage of the increased revenue that foreign students — English-speaking ones — can bring in. Its population of foreign students has leapt by 38 percent in four years, to 909 today out of a student body of 3,700.

The tuition for a two-year master’s degree in business administration is 19,800 euros for European Union citizens, and 34,000 euros for non-EU citizens.

“The French market for local students is not unlimited,” said Christophe N. Bredillet, the associate dean for the Lille School of Management’s M.B.A. and postgraduate programs. “Revenue is very important, and in order to provide good services, we need to cover our expenses for the library and research journals. We need to cover all these things with a bigger number of students so it’s quite important to attract international students.”

With the jump in foreign students, Essec now offers 25 percent of its 200 courses in English. Its ambition is to accelerate the English offerings to 50 percent in the next three years.

Santiago Iñiguez de Ozoño, dean of the Instituto de Empresa, argues that the trend is a natural consequence of globalization, with English functioning as Latin did in the 13th century as the lingua franca most used by universities.

“English is being adapted as a working language, but it’s not Oxford English,” he said. “It’s a language that most stakeholders speak.” He carries out conversation on a blog, deanstalk.net, in English.

But getting students to feel comfortable speaking English in the classroom is easier said than done. When younger French students at Essec start a required course in organizational analysis, the atmosphere is marked by long, uncomfortable silences, said Alan Jenkins, a management professor and academic director of the executive M.B.A. program.

“They are very good on written tasks, but there’s a lot of reticence on oral communication and talking with the teacher,” Dr. Jenkins said, adding that he used role-playing to encourage students to speak. He also refuses to speak in French. “I have to force myself to say, ‘Can you give me that in English?’ ”

Officials at Ewha Womans University in Seoul are also aware that they face a difficult task at the first stage of their Global 2010 project, which will require new students to take four classes in English, two under the tutelage of native English-speaking professors. The 120-year-old university has embarked on a hiring spree to attract 50 foreign professors.

At the beginning, “teaching courses in English may have less efficiency or effectiveness in terms of knowledge transfer than those courses taught in Korean,” said Anna Suh, program manager for the university’s office of global affairs, who said that students eventually see the benefits. “Our aim for this kind of program is to prepare and equip our students to be global leaders in this new era of internationalization.”

The Lille management school is planning to open a satellite business school program next fall in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, where the working language will also be in English.

“Internationally, the competition is everywhere,” Dr. Bredillet said. “For a master’s in management, I’m competing with George Washington University. I’m competing with some programs in Germany, Norway and the U.K. That’s why we’re delivering the curriculum in English.”

- By Doreen Carvajal