이화정 교수 ‘제38회 약의 날 기념식’에서 대통령 표창 수훈
- 등록일2024.12.02
- 10632
약학대학장 이화정 교수가 11월 18일(월) 식품의약품안전처가 주최하는 ‘제38회 약의 날 기념식’에서 대통령 표창을 수훈했다.
‘약의 날’은 국민의 생명과 건강 유지에 필요한 의약품의 중요성을 널리 알리기 위해 지정된 기념일로, 올해 기념식은 ‘의약품의 소중한 가치, 국민 건강과 같이’라는 주제로 정부·국회·산업계·학계 등 약업 분야 관련자 약 300명이 참석한 가운데 서울 웨스틴조선호텔(서울 중구 소재)에서 개최되었다.
기념식에서는 의약품 안전 및 제약산업 발전에 기여한 개인과 단체 유공자를 대상으로 포상이 진행됐으며, 이화정 교수는 신약개발 연구 및 전문 인력 양성으로 제약산업 발전에 기여하고 약학교육 선진화에 기여한 공로를 인정받아 대통령 표창을 수훈했다.
이화정 교수는 신약 또는 개량신약 개발을 위해 여러 제약사와 공동연구를 수행해 왔고, 2016년부터 5년간 보건복지부 '제약산업특성화대학원사업' 단장을 역임하면서 제약사에서 요구하는 의약품 규제과학 및 인허가, 의약품 경제성평가 및 정책 분야의 여성 전문 인력을 양성하여 배출했다. 또한 한국약학교육협의회 약학교육협력단 부단장, 제약실무실습위원장 등으로 활동하며 통합6년제 학제 개편에 따르는 약학교육 선진화를 위해 노력해 왔다. 현재는 한국약학교육평가원 인증기준위원장 겸 부원장으로 활동하며 '제2주기 약학교육 평가인증기준 개정 연구'의 연구책임자로서 통합6년제 약학교육의 질을 제고하고 국제경쟁력과 통용성을 증대하기 위해 노력하고 있다.
Professor Lee Hwa-jeong Receives Presidential Commendation at the 38th Pharmaceutical Day Ceremony
- 번호351773
- 조회10632
- 작성처
- 등록일2024.12.02
Professor Lee Hwa-jeong, dean of Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Ewha Womans University was honored with a Presidential Commendation at the 38th Pharmaceutical Day held on Monday, November 18. The ceremony was hosted by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.
Pharmaceutical Day was designated to raise public awareness of the importance of medicines in safeguarding lives and health. This year’s ceremony was held under the theme ‘The Precious Value of Medicines, Together with Public Health’, taking place at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Seoul with approximately 300 representatives from government, the National Assembly, industry, academia, and related sectors in the pharmaceutical field.
Awards were presented to individuals and organizations for their contributions to pharmaceutical safety and industry development. Professor Lee was recognized for her contributions to the advancement of the pharmaceutical industry through research in drug development, as well as the training of specialized professionals, her efforts to modernize pharmacy education.
Professor Lee has collaborated with various pharmaceutical companies on research projects aimed at developing new drugs and improved medications. Since 2016, she had served for five years as the head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare's ‘Pharmaceutical Industry Specialized Graduate Program’, which trained women professionals in pharmaceutical regulatory science, drug approval, economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals, and policy areas tailored to industry needs. In addition, she has actively contributed to the advancement of pharmacy education through roles such as Deputy Director of the Korean Association of Pharmacy Education (KAPE) and Chair of the Pharmaceutical Practice Education Committee, supporting the transition to an integrated six-year education system. Currently, as Chair of the Accreditation Standards Committee and Vice Director of the Korea Accreditation Board for Pharmacy Education (KABPE), Professor Lee is putting efforts to enhance the quality of six-year pharmacy education, strengthen international competitiveness, and improve global recognition as the research lead for the Second Cycle Pharmacy Education Accreditation Standards Revision Project.