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Research News

Research Team of Professor Taeyoung Choi Selected for the Quantum Technology Cooperation Project

  • 작성처
  • Date2022.10.12
  • 12230

최태영 교수팀, ‘양자기술협력사업’ 양자컴퓨팅 분야 선정A research team led by Professor Taeyoung Choi at the Department of Physics has been selected for the “Quantum Technology Cooperation Project” supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). The team will receive funding of approximately KRW 4.7 billion for five years until 2027, and carry out the “International Collaborative Research Developing Multi-Qubit and Individually Controllable Trapped-Ion Based Quantum Computer” with Duke University in the U.S. 

In recent years, the trapped-ion based quantum system has been one of the leading quantum computing platforms and many international research groups have been actively conducting relevant researches toward building a practical and universal quantum computer. Professor Choi’s team plans to introduce world-class technological capacity for quantum computing into Korea in order for the country to secure essential and original quantum technology through international joint research with the world-leading Duke Quantum Center (DQC). This research effort will lead to develop quantum computers in Korea as well as to promote domestic quantum technologies and related industries.

Quantum computing technology represents one of the key next-generation ICT that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics. In a conventional computer, the basic information unit is a binary digit, or bit, which can be either 0 or 1 but not both at the same time. However, the basic unit in quantum information, the so-called qubit, can exist 0 and 1 state at the same time as a form of linear superposition of two states. This superposition state allows us to apply multiple inputs and perform logic gates simultaneously. Such advantages promise that a quantum computer can calculate specific tasks exponentially faster than any conventional computers and solve problems that might not be solvable otherwise. 

The research team plans to build a 10-qubit quantum computer by developing the quantum technology for multi-ion qubit traps and optimization toward the best-performing ion qubits. In addition, the team will conduct various research activities such as the development of optical systems to achieve scalable and high-fidelity quantum gates and development of multi-frequency, phase, amplitude modulation technique to successfully demonstrate quantum entanglement for the 10-qubit system. Moreover, the team will continue performing researches toward building a beyond 10-qubit system through the development of new and scalable multi-qubit trap technology.

The principal investigator Professor Choi commented, “We expect that the project will greatly contribute to nurturing quantum experts, developing related industries, producing new jobs, and strengthening national competitiveness in the fields of quantum computing and quantum technologies” and added, “In particular, this may allow us to achieve technological and industrial advancement across our society and economy by utilizing quantum computers in areas including artificial intelligence, decryption, new material development, prediction of various variables, and high-capacity information processing technology.” 

The research team, which was selected again after its selection for the “2021 Quantum Computing Development Project” organized by the MSIT and NRF, will strive to develop and implement fundamental technology for quantum computers.