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Ewha University

The Graduate School of Social Welfare


The Graduate School of Social Welfare was established as the first specialized graduate school in Korea in 1993. The GSSW aims to foster social welfare professionals in both theory and practice, and to educate and train social work beginners. For social welfare professionals, the academic goal is to enhance their knowledge and skills and to empower their expertise and competence. And it is through practice-focused education. For the new beginners, the academic goal is to strengthen basic social work skills to become generalist social work practitioners who begin their career in social welfare field.

JongSerl Chun(Department of Social Welfare)
Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) 103


1947 Established 'Christian Social Work Department’ for the first time in Korea
1993 Established Graduate School of Social Welfare for the first time in Korea
2006 Merged into Specialized Graduate School of Social Welfare, Began BK21: Educating Social Work Leaders for Global Social Work (funded by the Ministry of Education)
2009 Opened MSW program at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia (as a project of BK21)
2012 Selected as an international cooperation leading university (funded by the Ministry of Education)
2013 Reopen Graduate School of Social Welfare independently
2016 Granted by KOICA to continue MSW program in RUPP, Cambodia
2018 Reorganized the curriculum, set up three tracks : the General Social Welfare Track ; Clinical Counseling Practice Track ; and Civil Social Welfare Policy Track

The aim of education

The educational goals of the Graduate School of Social Welfare are largely divided in two directions. They are targeting at field-experienced social work practitioners and at the beginners.

01. The curriculum for field-experienced social work professionals is

  • To build up the social welfare theories and practices;
  • To meet the academic interests and professional needs by providing in-depth education;
  • To empower the social welfare professionals by raising capacity building.

02. The curriculum for entry-level social workers is

  • To cultivate basic practice ability as a social worker by acquiring expertise and skills in social welfare;
  • To develop psycho-social problem-solving skills by applying knowledge and technology in social welfare field.