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[Academic] Announcement on Course Registration System with Enhanced Security

  • 작성처교무처 학적팀
  • Date2023.11.17
  • 1126759

To prevent improper course registration activities, security measures are being implemented in the course registration system as below.

1.[Key Update ]※ Captcha Verification After 10 Login Failures

  • If you fail to log in 10 times consecutively, you will be required to complete a Captcha verification (security text input) to proceed with additional login attempts. Only after entering the correct Captcha will you be able to retry logging in.

2. Before course registration : Entering macro prevention key

You must enter a macro prevention key once before course registration to use "Wish list,“ "Course Registration",or "Chapel” menu. - After you enter the macro prevention key once, no additional macro preventive key input is requested until you logout.



November 21st (Tue) 08:30~

Log in to the online course registration system. 

(http://sugang.ewha.ac.kr) → Access to the ‘Wish list,’ ‘Chapel,’or ‘Course Registration’ → Enter the macro prevention key once 

- Students can login and use the wish list 30 minutes prior to the registration period. 

- You can View Courses

November 21st (Tue) 09:00~

Click on the  [Enter] button of the course 

- You can register for courses

3. During course registration : Macro Prevention


 (1) If students try to click excessively more than the number of times that system manager set up, putting key word page would come up on the screen for macro prevention. 

 -When typing letters incorrectly for 5 times, users will be logged out. When typing letters correctly, course registration process will proceed.

 (2) If excessive clicks occur, the course registration will be restricted with the message below.

[Example of the Macro prevention key input screen]

※ During the course registration period, numerous cases of improper course registration attempts (e.g., use of macro programs) have been detected. As a result, the university is conducting continuous monitoring to prevent such activities.

Using improper methods, such as buying/selling course seats or employing macro programs, is considered a violation that deprives other students of their fair chance to register for courses. Additionally, these actions disrupt the proper operation of the university’s registration system.

If improper course registration activities are confirmed, they will be subject to disciplinary action under the Ewha Womans University’s Student Disciplinary Regulations.

Ewha Womans University is committed to monitoring course registration activities to ensure that all students have a fair and equal opportunity. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the integrity of the system.