[General] [ECDRI] Recruitment of Subjects in the Foundation Cosmetics Color Evaluation for hispanic Individuals N
- 작성처색채디자인연구소
- Date2025.03.13
- 652
The Ewha Color Design Research Institute is conducting research on developing foundation cosmetics for individuals with the hispanic race, and is seeking subjects to participate in the experiment.
Schedule: The experiment will start between 1 pm and 4 pm on April 10 (Thu) and is expected to take about 2 hours.
Location: Room 1302, International Education Building, Ewha Womans University
Experiment Details: Participants will have foundation products applied to their faces,
and will be asked to evaluate and comment on the product's color.
Recruitment: Aimed at 10 individuals
We recruit people who are interested in cosmetics and wear makeup daily
We are only looking for individuals who can speak Korean. (It's okay if your skills are basic.)
Applicants must have a visa or student visa to receive compensation in Korea. (D-2 visa holders are eligible)
Compensation for participating in the experiment: 70,000 won
Required documents: Alien Registration Card and Korea Bank account details (should be brought on the day of the experiment)
Contact Person: Kyu Hee, Ahn (010-8543-8871)
If you are interested in participating in the experiment, kindly contact the designated person.
(If you are unable to reach her, please leave a text message, and she will get back to you.)