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Giving to Ewha

An Alumna Answering Her Calling through Sharing , Lee Myung Kyung , the vice president of the Ewha Alumnae Associatio

  • Date2020.04.19
  • 5713
Lee Myung Kyung , the vice president of the Ewha Alumnae Association

An Alumna Answering Her Calling through Sharing 

 Lee Myung Kyung , the vice president of the Ewha Alumnae Association, who has cultivated and lustered the love given from Ewha in her youth, now pays back the love many times more with her invaluable heart and support. The beauty of life she found is “the joy of sharing.”


Vice president Lee has supported Ewha both spiritually and materially through steadfast prayer and voluntary work, as well as donations for scholarships and development of the school, where help is needed. 

You have demonstrated constant devotion to Ewha. What does Ewha mean to you? 

I loved chapels throughout my school years as faith in Christianity was always a part of my life, and I felt at ease because the school atmosphere and my daily life harmonized. Once I stepped out of the campus and entered the real world, I came to realize how grateful it was to spend my youthful days at Ewha. I didn’t know back then, but I am where I am, thanks to those days. The spirit of God has stayed with me because of Ewha. 

I would say that Ewha has been a continuation of my life and its flow of day-to-day life. I guess a certain force has always guided me to Ewha. I was taken by surprise when I got the phone call and asked to take over the vice president position. I was involved in various sorts of missionary work at that moment and kept turning down the suggestion in a polite way. But one alumna who encouraged me softly yet firmly suggested that it was time for me to pray for my alma mater, and I decided to comply. I am delighted to be called upon by Ewha at my age so that I can serve and pray for the school and its alumnae association. 

You have demonstrated your enthusiasm for sharing with Ewha as well as praying for it. What does sharing mean to you? 

I encountered students who were financially struggling while attending the graduate school of theology. I was inspired, and since then, I have been donating scholarship a little. It’s embarrassing doing this interview because I did what I had to do, and it is not something to read so much into. I am only so grateful that I can continue sharing. 



Your genuine love for Ewha and its students is certainly delivered through your answers. Is there anything you have to say to the students?

I have a few words to share, looking back at my younger days. 

Firstly, take your time and take it easy. The days of youth are full of energy internally and externally, and can easily be hectic for so many reasons. While being swamped, you might feel abruptly overwhelmed or suffocated by an uncertain future, or at some point, some relationships that you believed solid like firmly woven fabric might go sour due to self-comparison or the spirit of emulation. If that happens, you need to pause for a while and give yourself time to reflect upon yourself. 

Secondly, do your task with joy. I believe how you do it has more critical value than what you do, and I hope you do your job in earnest, but above all, with joy. 

Thirdly, love every living thing to the fullest. I hope beloved Ewha students to appreciate all the beauty of life in the campus, love them without regrets, and enjoy the most crucial time of life. I will pray for you with all my heart.