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Giving to Ewha

Ewhaians Make Miracles

  • Date2021.03.18
  • 6882
As an Employment Study Group of 2018 Graduates Dedicate a Generous Donation

Kim Jinsun (International Studies, graduating class of 2018), Lee Soyoon (Christian Studies, graduating class of 2018), Lee Jungmin  (International Studies, graduating class of 2018), Lee Hasun (English Language & Literature, graduating class of 2018), Chung Yunjo (International Studies, graduating class of 2018), Choi Yuri (Christian Studies, graduating class of 2018)

Six Ewha alumnae from the graduating class of February 2018 came together to make a donation to the “Hak-gwan Remodeling and Reconstruction Fund.” The six alumnae originally met as expectant graduates who started studying together to prepare for the job search and their friendship has endured after graduation and even now as members of society. In memory of their precious times together at Ewha, the nickname of their study group, “Miracle on the Ganges,” will be inscribed on a commemorative plaque for supporters in Hak-gwan.

“On the first day when the six of us gathered to prepare for the job search, one of us said that she wanted to go on a trip to India before she buckles down to study. The rest of us lightheartedly wrote down positive send-off messages for her trip and our own wishes on the back of portrait photos of us, and asked her to scatter the photos on the Ganges River.” Though it has since become a fond memory in hindsight, at the time, they all had a sense of desperation in the back of their minds, enough to wish for a miracle. By supporting and encouraging one another, all six members of the group succeeded in finding employment in December 2017. “We all laughed, saying that it’s thanks to the scattered photos of our wishes on the Ganges River, and called it the ‘Miracle on the Ganges.’ Since then, that became the nickname of our get-togethers and we still meet under the nickname, even after we graduated. We now bond by sharing similar worries and concerns as working women fresh out of college.” United through their shared experience of difficult times, the six alumnae added that they value and support each other above any ordinary friendship, and expressed their wholehearted love for their alma mater. 

Ewha Shaped Us and We Shape Ewha’s Future

“We received so much support from Ewha while we prepared for employment. We needed space for our study meetings to write cover letters and practice interviews, and it would’ve been costly and difficult to rent a space. We were able to save a great deal of time and money by actively taking advantage of school programs. We felt so grateful to our school for providing us with spaces in Ewha Campus Complex, employment mentoring, and consulting on writing cover letters.”

The six members of the study group felt immense gratitude for the help that they received during these difficult times. While studying together, they also made a heartfelt promise to each other, vowing “Let’s give back everything that Ewha gave us when we find employment.” And they were able to keep their words by joining in the fundraising for the Hak-gwan remodeling and reconstruction project. They commented, “We heard the news of the fundraising campaign for the remodeling and reconstruction of Hak-gwan on Ewha community sites and alumnae’s social media. It was much talked about, as donations for the rejuvenation of Hak-gwan allowed payment in installments and promised the inscription of donors’ names on the building. It became a popular trending topic as many Ewhaians posted proof of their donations and cheered each other on for doing a good deed.” The six alumnae also expressed their support for the donation drive, remarking that they could not possibly miss the opportunity as Hak-gwan occupied a special place in each of their hearts.

Choi Yuri (Christian Studies, graduating class of 2018 ) expressed her boundless love and pride for Ewha, saying “I think Ewha was the best choice I’ve made in my life! There are so many things that I couldn’t have achieved without Ewha. We often say that if we could go back to the age of nineteen and choose a college all over again, we’d choose Ewha without a moment’s hesitation.” At Ewha, the six learned the virtue of understanding the diversity of individuals and society and expanding the depth and breadth of their understanding. They also remarked that they were able to grow through fierce competition as they pondered tirelessly about ways to catch up and surpass other outstanding Ewha students, and added that they felt the strength of Ewha even more keenly when they started working in the real world.

The six alumnae hope to continue their generous donations and give back the lessons and love that they received at Ewha. Just as Ewha once made their “Miracle on the Ganges” possible, the “Miracle on the Ganges” is now shaping the future of Ewha.

Words of Support from Alumnae

Kim Jinsun (International Studies, graduating class of 2018) Things might be difficult for you in many ways right now. But if you made it to Ewha, you can do anything. You have our heartfelt support. We hope you make countless precious memories at the renewed Hak-gwan!

Lee Soyoon (Christian Studies, graduating class of 2018) We hope that you fully experience everything you want at Hak-gwan, the symbol of Ewha's College of Liberal Arts! We’re sending our very best wishes, everyone!

Lee Jungmin  (International Studies, graduating class of 2018) Please make as many happy memories in the new Hak-gwan as we did in the old one!

Lee Hasun (English Language & Literature, graduating class of 2018) You might feel fed up right now, but someday you’ll miss this time of your life! We hope that you’ll continue to show love for the historic Hak-gwan, which bears the blood, sweat, and tears of our seniors and juniors, just as much as you love the new Hak-gwan!

Chung Yunjo (International Studies, graduating class of 2018) I pray that you too will get to experience the fond memories of Hak-gwan that I was fortunate to experience as a student at Ewha! 

Choi Yuri (Christian Studies, graduating class of 2018 ) Ewha must be the only school where the alumnae still hold so much interest and affection even after their graduation. So, I hope that you’ll stand tall as proud and confident Ewhaians, wherever you are! I look forward to seeing you all thrive out there in the real world!