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Ewha Global Campus Leaders Inaugurate Activities

  • 작성처
  • Date2009.03.24
  • 5074
Ewha Global Campus Leaders Inaugurate Activities

Ewha Global Campus Leader initiated their spring semester term of 2009 with the inaugurating orientation held on March 20th, Friday.

Ewha Global Campus Leader which is the first university student ambassador group composed of only foreign students founded on November 24th, 2008, has newly selected 17 new members in addition to the 16 1st Ewha Global Campus Leaders. The newly selected EGCL members are consisted of students from the U.S., HongKong, Japan, Belgium, France, Afghanistan, and Uzbek.

In order to become the official delegates representing Ewha, Ewha Global Campus Leaders will have a workshop to get to learn Ewha better through campus tour, visiting the Ewha Archive and so on. Throughout the semester, Ewha Global Campus Leaders will participate a volunteer activity, school may festival, promotion workshop, and online promotion activity to publicize Ewha to the world.

Professor Kim Yung Wook, the vice president of Office of Communications said to the Ewha Global Campus Leaders, "You must consider yourselves as agents of Ewha. Always remember that you are representing 170 thousand Ewha alumni all over the world" at the orientation.

Jean-Francois Legrand(Solvay Business College, 3) said, "I am glad to be in the position where I can contribute to the university I am studying at." Joa Alexander(Harvard, 3) also expressed her excitement by saying "Although it has not been so long since I came to Korea, I am already in love with Ewha. Not only would it give me the chance to learn more about and appreciate Ewha, but also give me the opportunity to share this knowledge with the visitors and those less familiar with Ewha."

Ewha Global Campus Leaders are exchange, visiting, and regular foreign students who currently study at Ewha and they have been assisting campus tours with Ewha Campus Leaders when the VIPs and visitors from their country visit Ewha. EGCLs will also be honorary ambassadors of Ewha and will be promoting Ewha with their own experience of campus life at Ewha when they go back to their home country.