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Ewha University

College of Social Sciences

Su-Young Kim Professor

Department of Psychology/Behavioral Socioeconomics

김수영 프로필 사진
Su-Young Kim is an associate professor in the area of Psychometrics and Research Methods in the Department of Psychology. 
He studied Applied Statistics in Yonsei University, and completed his Ph.D. in the Quantitative Methods program of Educational Psychology department in the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 
He has focused on the development and application of latent variable models within the framework of structural equation modeling (SEM). 
His research interests revolve around developing and studying models in the SEM framework, such as latent growth models (LGMs), finite mixture models, multilevel models, item response theory (IRT), and Bayesian estimation. Particularly, his interest was to analyze multiphase longitudinal data which have salient transition or reflection points due to interventions or natural transitions in the process (e.g., multiple math tests during both middle and high schools or depression levels before and after an intervention). Three publications with multiphase GMMs in a row have been published at the Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, which is the top ranked journal in the social sciences methods field in terms of the citation index. He has also worked on the topics of studying multidimensional IRT models in the SEM framework, multigroup LGMs with incomplete data structures, and so forth. Those works have been published in several renowned methods journals, such as Multivariate Behavioral Research and British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. Recently, he is very interested in the LGMs with non-normal indicators, such as ordered categorical variables and (zero-inflated) count variables, and also in application of Bayesian estimation of the growth models with those types of indicator variables.
Research Record
  • [학술지논문] Comparison of factors associated with postpartum depression from two cohorts of nurses: the Korea Nurses' Health Study and the Nurses' Health Study 3 OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 2023, v.80 no.4 , 209-217
  • [학술지논문] Protective behavioral strategies are more helpful for avoiding alcohol-related problems for college drinkers who drink less JOURNAL OF AMERICAN COLLEGE HEALTH, 2022, v.70 no.5 , 1493-1499
  • [학술지논문] Sample Size Requirements for Simple and Complex Mediation Models EDUCATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT, 2022, v.82 no.1 , 76-106
  • [학술지논문] Depressive symptom trajectories and their relation to body mass index in women of child-bearing age: The Korea Nurses' Health Study JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, 2021, v.292 no.0 , 114-120
  • [학술지논문] Performance of second-order latent growth model under partial longitudinal measurement invariance: A comparison of two scaling approaches STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 2021, v.28 no.2 , 261-277
  • [학술지논문] A comparison of Bayesian to maximum likelihood estimation for latent growth models in the presence of a binary outcome INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT, 2020, v.44 no.5 , 447-457
  • [학술지논문] The association between protective behavioral strategies and alcohol-related problems: An examination of race and gender differences among college drinkers JOURNAL OF ETHNICITY IN SUBSTANCE ABUSE, 2016, v.15 no.1 , 25-45
  • [학술지논문] A Hierarchical Multi-Unidimensional IRT Approach for Analyzing Sparse, Multi-Group Data for Integrative Data Analysis PSYCHOMETRIKA, 2015, v.80 no.3 , 834-855
  • [학술지논문] Brief Motivational Interventions for College Student Drinking May Not Be as Powerful as We Think: An Individual Participant-Level Data Meta-Analysis ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, 2015, v.39 no.5 , 919-931
  • [학술지논문] Project INTEGRATE: An Integrative Study of Brief Alcohol Interventions for College Students PSYCHOLOGY OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2015, v.29 no.1 , 34-48
  • [학술지논문] Determining the Number of Latent Classes in Single- and Multiphase Growth Mixture Models STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 2014, v.21 no.2 , 263-279
  • [학술지논문] When Less Is More and More Is Less in Brief Motivational Interventions: Characteristics of Intervention Content and Their Associations With Drinking Outcomes PSYCHOLOGY OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2014, v.28 no.4 , 1026-1040
  • [학술지논문] Associations Between Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Negative Consequences Among Black and White College Men and Women JOURNAL OF STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS, 2013, v.74 no.4 , 521-531
  • [학술지논문] Single and Multiple Ability Estimation in the SEM Framework: A Noninformative Bayesian Estimation Approach MULTIVARIATE BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH, 2013, v.48 no.4 , 563-591
  • [학술지논문] Investigating Stage-Sequential Growth Mixture Models with Multiphase Longitudinal Data STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 2012, v.19 no.2 , 293-319
  • [학술지논문] Sample Size Requirements in Single- and Multiphase Growth Mixture Models: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 2012, v.19 no.3 , 457-476
  • 모든 부분집합 회귀분석의 이해: SPSS의 자동선형모델링을 중심으로 사회과학연구, 2024, v.63 no.1, 121-145
    KCI dColl.
  • Comparison of factors associated with postpartum depression from two cohorts of nurses: The Korea Nurses' Health Study and the Nurses' Health Study 3 Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2023, v.80 no.4, 209-217
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 구조방정식 모형에서의 높은 다중공선성 조정을 위한 탐색적 연구 사회과학연구, 2023, v.62 no.2, 159-189
    KCI dColl.
  • Protective behavioral strategies are more helpful for avoiding alcohol-related problems for college drinkers who drink less Journal of American College Health, 2022, v.70 no.5, 1493-1499
    SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Sample Size Requirements for Simple and Complex Mediation Models Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2022, v.82 no.1, 76-106
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • 구분가능성을 중심으로 한 구조방정식 APIM의 이해 사회과학연구, 2022, v.61 no.3, 205-229
    KCI dColl.
  • 구조방정식 모형을 활용한 매개효과 검정 방법의 비교: 백분위수 부트스트랩과 편향조정 부트스트랩* 한국심리학회지:일반, 2022, v.41 no.2, 103-131
    KCI dColl.
  • 영유아기 자녀를 둔 맞벌이 부부의 일-가정 갈등이 우울에 미치는 영향에 대해 결혼 만족에 의해 조절되는 양육 스트레스의 매개효과 가정과삶의질연구, 2022, v.40 no.3, 55-73
    KCI dColl.
  • 코로나19 전후 맞벌이 부부의 일-가정 양립 경험 변화와 부부 우울과 삶의 만족에 대한 연구 한국가족관계학회지, 2022, v.27 no.1, 3-32
    KCI dColl.
  • Depressive symptom trajectories and their relation to body mass index in women of child-bearing age: The Korea Nurses' Health Study JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, 2021, v.292, 114-120
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Performance of second-order latent growth model under partial longitudinal measurement invariance: A comparison of two scaling approaches STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 2021, v.28 no.2, 261-277
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • 베이지안 분석에서 사전분포의 이해와 적용 한국심리학회지:일반, 2021, v.40 no.4, 567-596
    KCI dColl.
  • 무변화 성장모형의 실재적 정의 교육평가연구, 2020, v.33 no.3, 681-705
    KCI dColl.
  • Using mixture models with known class membership to address incomplete covariance structures in multiple-group growth models BRITISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL & STATISTICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2014, v.67 no.1, 94-116
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • [학술지논문] Understanding all subsets regression: Focusing on automatic linear modeling in SPSS 사회과학연구, 2024, v.63 no.1 , 121-145
  • [학술지논문] Exploratory study for handling multicollinearity 사회과학연구, 2023, v.62 no.2 , 159-189
  • [학술지논문] Comparison of methods for testing mediation effects under structural equation modeling framework: Percentile bootstrap and bias-corrected bootstrap 한국심리학회지:일반, 2022, v.41 no.2 , 103-131
  • [학술지논문] 코로나19 전후 맞벌이 부부의 일-가정 양립 경험 변화와 부부 우울과 삶의 만족에 대한 연구 한국가족관계학회지, 2022, v.27 no.1 , 3-32
  • [학술지논문] A Note on a Tangible Definition of No-Growth Model 교육평가연구, 2020, v.33 no.3 , 681-705
  • [학술지논문] A multi-group analysis using the categorical confirmatory factor analysis 한국심리학회지:일반, 2020, v.39 no.2 , 175-204
  • [학술지논문] Exploring the possible direction of interpreting inconsistent mediational effect 한국심리학회지:일반, 2020, v.39 no.1 , 91-115
  • [학술지논문] Exploring Applicability of Target Rotation in Factor Analysis 한국심리학회지:일반, 2019, v.38 no.3 , 377-400
  • [학술지논문] The Mediating Effects of Unconditional Self-Acceptance and Moderating Effects of Gender on the Relationship between Evaluative Concerns Perfectionism and Social Anxiety among College Students 인간이해, 2018, v.39 no.2 , 25-45
  • [학술지논문] 이분형 종속변수를 포함하는 모형의 매개효과 검정 한국심리학회지:일반, 2018, v.37 no.3 , 441-470
  • [학술지논문] 영과잉 순서형 프로빗 모형의 베이지안 추론: 한국형 베일리-III 검사 자료에의 적용 한국심리학회지:일반, 2017, v.36 no.2 , 215-239
  • [학술지논문] An Exploration of Nonlinear Latent Growth Model Using Exponential Function: As an Alternative to Quadratic LGM 교육평가연구, 2017, v.30 no.4 , 791-816
  • [학술지논문] The Relationship between Stress and Depression for Adolescents of Single-Parent Families: Moderating Effect of Self-Esteem, Quality of Family Relationship and Community Support 한국가족복지학, 2016, v.21 no.3 , 367-392
  • [학술지논문] 잠재성장모형의 사용을 위한 표본크기 결정 한국심리학회지:일반, 2015, v.34 no.2 , 599-617
  • [저역서] Introductory Statistics with SPSS Examples 북앤정, 2023, 487
  • [저역서] 사회과학통계의 기본: R예제와 함께 학지사, 2019, 615
  • [저역서] 구조방정식 모형의 기본과 확장 : mplus 예제와 함께 학지사, 2016, 655
  • 2024-2nd

    • Psychological Research Methods

      • Subject No 21603Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 6~7 (POSCO)
    • Structural Equation Modeling

      • Subject No G16814Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~6 (POSCO356)
  • 2024-1st

    • Basic Statistics for Psychology

      • Subject No 36060Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 6~6 (POSCO252) , Thu 4~4 (POSCO252)
    • Regression Analysis

      • Subject No G17919Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Wed 6~7 (POSCO552)
  • 2023-2nd

    • Psychological Research Methods

      • Subject No 21603Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~5 (POSCO252) , Thu 6~6 (POSCO252)
    • Advanced Structural Equation Modeling

      • Subject No G18151Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 6~7 (POSCO253)
  • 2022-2nd

    • Psychological Research Methods

      • Subject No 21603Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 6~6 (POSCO253) , Wed 5~5 (POSCO253)
    • Structural Equation Modeling

      • Subject No G16814Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 6~7 (POSCO153)
    • Research Ethics

      • Subject No G90003Class No 01
      • Year (
  • 2022-1st

    • Basic Statistics for Psychology

      • Subject No 36060Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 6~6 , Wed 5~5
    • Basic Statistics for Psychology

      • Subject No 36060Class No 02
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~5 , Thu 6~6
    • Regression Analysis

      • Subject No G17919Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 3~4 (-)
    • Research Ethics

      • Subject No G90003Class No 01
      • Year (
  • 2021-2nd

    • Psychological Research Methods

      • Subject No 21603Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Wed 7~7 , Fri 7~7
    • Intermediate Statistics

      • Subject No 33852Class No 01
      • 4Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 6~6 , Wed 5~5
    • Advanced Structural Equation Modeling

      • Subject No G18151Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~6
    • Research Ethics

      • Subject No G90003Class No 01
      • Year (
  • 2021-1st

    • First-Year Seminar

    • Basic Statistics for Psychology

      • Subject No 36060Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 7~7 , Thu 7~7
    • Multilevel Modeling

      • Subject No G11470Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~6 (POSCO355)
Academic Background

University of Wisconsin-Madison Ph.D.(Educational Psychology)


Work Experience

Department Chair, Psychology 2017-03-01 ~ 2018-01-31

Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers Univ. 2011-08-01 ~ 2013-02-28

Director, Graduate Research Support Center 2021-02-01 ~ 2023-01-31

Associate Dean, The Graduate School 2021-02-01 ~ 2023-01-31

2020-08-22 ~ 2022-08-20

2022-10-22 ~ 2024-10-26