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Ewha University

College of Social Sciences

Sung Hyun Kim Professor

Department of Economics

김성현 프로필 사진
Sung Hyun Kim is Professor of Economics. He received B.S. in management science at KAIST and Ph.D. in economics at Johns Hopkins University, USA. His fields are microeconomic theory and game theory. He has published papers in Korean and international academic journals. His authored books include <Easy Lectures on Mathematics for Economists (2024)>, <Lectures on Mathematics for Economists (3rd ed, 2023)> (Hanbit Academy) and <Lectures on Microeconomic Theory (2015)> (Ewha University Press).
  • Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #423
  • 02-3277-4063
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Research Record
  • [저역서] 경제수학 강의 (3판) 한빛아카데미, 2023, 464
  • Introductory pricing and subscription as signals Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 2022, v.33 no.3, 33-74
    Scopus dColl.
  • Compensation disparity between risk averse agents under adverse selection and moral hazard Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 2021, v.32 no.2, 74-91
    Scopus dColl.
  • Two-Dimensional Self-Selection of Borrowers KOREAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2019, v.35 no.1, 125-161
    SSCI Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Risks with semi-infinite support: Characterizations and applications Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 2016, v.27 no.4, 1-24
    Scopus dColl.
  • Credit rationing and signalling effects of trade credit: Theory and evidence from korean firms Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 2014, v.25 no.4, 22-57
    Scopus dColl.
  • Entry and Quality Competition in Hotelling Model with Exogenous Prices 정보통신정책연구, 2013, 제20권 1호, 1-24
    KCI dColl.
  • Which Attracts More Spectators, Uncertainty of Outcome or Star Power? : Evidence from the English Premier League 산업조직연구, 2013, 제21권 3호, 1-24
    KCI dColl.
  • Large games with a finite number of classes and Nash's `improved' proof Journal of Economic Research (JER), 2012, 제17권 2호, 189-202
    KCI dColl.
  • Sequential quality and price competition in hotelling model Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 2012, v.23 no.2, 143-164
    Scopus dColl.
  • 호텔링 모형으로 본 SSM 진입의 후생효과와 이익공유제 산업조직연구, 2012, 제20권 4호, 67-95
    KCI dColl.
  • [학술지논문] Extensive Robustness of Large Games with a Continuum of Players. Journal of Economic Research (JER), 2010, v.15 no.1 , 53-78
  • [학술지논문] 신용수단 간 상호작용을 통한 신용할당의 미시경제 분석 산업조직연구, 2009, v.17 no.1 , 67-113
  • [학술지논문] Efficiency of Korean commercial banks: Cost and profit functions approach 사회과학연구논총, 2009, v.21 , 73-95
  • [학술지논문] An analysis on the welfare effect of market entry and price discrimination: The case of horizontally differentiated downstream market 계량경제학보, 2009, v.20 no.1 , 20-50
  • [학술지논문] Examples of Utility Functions Illustrating the Distinction between ‘Diminishing Marginal Utilities’ and ‘Diminishing Marginal Rate of Substitution’ 경제교육연구, 2008, v.15 no.2 , 47-64
  • [학술지논문] 호텔링 입지 모형의 균형 분석: 한계비용이 존재하는 경우 사회과학연구논총, 2007, 5-23
  • [학술지논문] WELFARE EFFECTS OF INTEGRATED SOCIAL INSURANCE SYSTEM The Korean Economic Review, 2006, v.22 no.2 , 197-231
  • [학술지논문] Price Increases Due to Entry in a Linear City Model of Product Differentiation 산업조직연구, 2006, v.14 no.4 , 1-16
  • [학술지논문] Core equivalence may fail without monotonicity 계량경제학보, 2005, v.16 no.2 , 47-62
  • [학술지논문] New differentiated product with disadvantage Korean Economic Review, 2005, v.21 no.1 , 5-21
  • [학술지논문] 비협조적 게임 모형 및 내쉬 균형의 수학적 성질에 대한 해석 사회과학연구논총, 2004, v.13 , 61-78
  • [학술지논문] 지나친 제품 다양성의 문제: 독점과 복점의 비교 계량경제학보, 2004, v.15 no.4 , 1-19
  • [학술지논문] 투자기업의 성장에 대한 벤처캐피탈의 기여: 탐험적 분석과 정책적 함의 벤처연구, 2004, v.1 no.2 , 31-55
  • [학술지논문] 벤처 재도약을 위한 시장과 정부의 역할 벤처연구, 2003, v.1 no.1 , 5-31
  • [학술지논문] 벤처캐피탈 투자재원의 구성과 투자행태 재무연구, 2003, v.16 no.1 , 227-268
  • [학술지논문] Structurally stable Nash equilibria in pure strategies for a model of monopolistic competition Seoul Journal of Economics, 2002, v.14 no.4 , 429-448
  • [학술지논문] Korean energy demand in the new millenium: outlook and policy implications, 2000-2005 Energy Policy, 2001, v.29 no.11 , 899-910
  • [학술지논문] Product search cost and provision of diversity: a model of online and offline monopoly Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 2001, v.7 no.1 , 83-89
  • [학술지논문] 한국과 미국의 벤처캐피탈 제도 비교 정보사회연구, 2001, v.13 no.1 , 19-52
  • [학술지논문] 국제 유가 상승이 국민 경제에 미치는 영향 - 연산일반균형모형에 의한 분석 국제통상연구, 1999, v.4 no.1 , 293-314
  • [학술지논문] Continuous Nash equilibria Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1997, v.28 no.1 , 69-84
  • [저역서] 쉬운 경제수학 강의 한빛아카데미, 2024, 388
  • [저역서] 미시경제이론 강의 이화여자대학교출판부, 2015, 756
  • [연구보고서] 시장과 정부의 기업인증 효과 , 2003, 1-100
  • [연구보고서] 정보화촉진기금 성과평가(XII) (연구개발계정: 기술개발투자지원) , 2003, 1-123
  • [연구보고서] 한국 벤처캐피탈의 투자행태에 관한 실증분석 , 2002, 1-134
  • [연구보고서] 인터넷 기반산업으로서의 지불결제서비스 시장의 구조 및 전망 , 2001, 1-168
  • [연구보고서] 효율적 벤처캐피탈 시장구축을 위한 제도개선 연구 , 2001, 1-185
  • [연구보고서] 중단기 에너지수요전망 모델 개발 연구 , 1999
Academic Background

Johns Hopkins University Ph.D.(경제학)

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology 이학사(경영과학과)

Work Experience

Department Chair, Finance and Economics 2011-02-01 ~ 2013-01-31

Department Chair, Economics 2011-02-01 ~ 2013-01-31

Associate Vice President for Office of Global Affairs 2007-02-01 ~ 2007-07-31

Assistant Director, International Education Institute 2006-08-01 ~ 2007-01-31

정보통신정책연구원, 연구위원 2000-10-01 ~ 2003-08-30

에너지 경제 연구원, 연구위원 1997-07-01 ~ 2000-09-30

Visiting Research Associate, Department of Economics, University of Oxford 2009-09-01 ~ 2010-08-31

Visiting Scholar, Nuffield College, University of Oxford 2014-01-02 ~ 2014-08-23