Jewon Kang Professor
Electronic & Electrical Engineering/College of Medicine/Semiconductor Engineering/ Graduate Program in System Health and Engineering
Dr. Je-Won Kang joined the School of Electronics Engineering in Ewha Womans University where he is now Assistant Professor. He received the BS degree (2006) and the MS degree (2008) both in the School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea, and Ph.D degree (2012) in the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California (USC), LA, USA.From 2012.8 to 2014.2, he was a senior engineer in Multimedia RnD and Standard team in Qualcomm, San Diego, USA while he made a number of contribution to the international 2D&3D video coding standards as an expert. From 2011 to 2012, he was a visiting scholar in the Tampere University & Nokia research center, participating into the HEVC/H.265 standard. His current research interest includes image, video, and 3D-data compression and their related standardization, and interdisciplinary fields using advanced signal processing and algorithms such as machine learning.
- Asan Engineering Building #431
- 02-3277-2347
- Research Interests
- Image/Video Signal Processing, Machine Learning
Research Record
- 생성형 이미지를 이용한 멀티모달 장면 검색 시스템 방송공학회 논문지, 2024, v.29 no.3, 263-273
- Noise-Robust Sleep Staging via Adversarial Training With an Auxiliary Model IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2023, v.70 no.4, 1252-1263
- Reinforcement Learning for Rate-Distortion Optimized Hierarchical Prediction Structure IEEE Access, 2023, v.11, 20240-20253
- Robust Spatial-Temporal Motion Coherent Priors for Multi-View Video Coding Artifact Reduction IEEE ACCESS, 2023, v.11, 123104-123116
- Video Question Answering with Overcoming Spatial and Temporal Redundancy in Feature Extraction 방송공학회 논문지, 2023, v.28 no.7, 849-858
- Transferring Structured Knowledge in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of a Sleep Staging Network IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022, v.26 no.3, 1273-1284
- Unsupervised Black-Box Model Domain Adaptation for Brain Tumor Segmentation Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022, v.16, 837646
- VVC 화면 내 예측에서의 딥러닝 기반 예측 블록 개선을 통한 부호화 효율 향상 기법 방송공학회 논문지, 2022, v.27 no.4, 477-486
- 19대 대선 TV토론에 대한 방송뉴스 영상의 균형성, 진실성 연구 심층학습 기반 동영상 처리 알고리즘을 통한 후보자들의 등장빈도, 표정, 응시방향 분석 방송통신연구, 2021, no.114, 113-157
- 360 degrees Image Reference-Based Super-Resolution Using Latitude-Aware Convolution Learned From Synthetic to Real IEEE ACCESS, 2021, v.9, 155924-155935
- Dynamic Motion Estimation and Evolution Video Prediction Network IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, 2021, v.23, 3986-3998
- Fast Multi-Type Tree Partitioning for Versatile Video Coding Using a Lightweight Neural Network IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, 2021, v.23, 4388-4399
- Automated Detection of Surface Cracks and Numerical Correlation with Thermal-Structural Behaviors of Fire Damaged Concrete Beams International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 2020, v.14 no.1, 12
- Deep Video Prediction Network-ased Inter-Frame Coding in HEVC IEEE ACCESS, 2020, v.8, 95906-95917
- 딥 러닝(Deep learning)기반 동영상 처리 알고리즘을 통한 19대 대선 TV토론 영상분석 후보자들의 등장빈도, 표정, 응시방향에 대한 분석 한국언론학보, 2020, v.64 no.5, 319-372
- 6 자유도 전방위 몰입형 비디오의 압축 코덱 개발 및 성능 분석 방송공학회 논문지, 2019, v.24 no.6, 1035~1052
- Context-Based Ternary Tree Decision Method in Versatile Video Coding for Fast Intra Coding IEEE ACCESS, 2019, v.7, 172597-172605
- Ensemble of Random Binary Output Encoding for Adversarial Robustness IEEE ACCESS, 2019, v.7, 124632-124640
- Fast Affine Motion Estimation for Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Encoding IEEE ACCESS, 2019, v.7, 158075-158084
- Learning to Detect Cracks on Damaged Concrete Surfaces Using Two-Branched Convolutional Neural Network SENSORS, 2019, v.19 no.21, 4796
- Multi-channel fusion convolutional neural network to classify syntactic anomaly from language-related ERP components Information Fusion, 2019, v.52, 53-61
- Ensemble of binary tree structured deep convolutional network for image classification Proceedings - 9th Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2017, 2018, v.2018-February, 1448-1451
- Machine Learning-Based Fast Angular Prediction Mode Decision Technique in Video Coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, 2018, v.27 no.11, 5525-5538
- 비디오 압축을 위한 딥러닝 기반 화면 간 예측 부호화 기법 방송공학회 논문지, 2018, v.23 no.5, 718~721
- Bi-directional deformable block-based motion estimation for frame rate-up conversion of 360-degree videos ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 2017, v.53 no.17
- Combining random forest with multi-block local binary pattern feature selection for multiclass head pose estimation PLoS ONE, 2017, v.12 no.7
- Head pose estimation using random forest and texture analysis 2016 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA 2016, 2017
- Sample-adaptive-prediction for HEVC SCC intra coding with ridge estimation from spatially neighboring samples Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2017, v.10225
- A novel intrusion detection method using deep neural network for in-vehicle network security IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2016, v.2016-July
- Compressed domain video saliency detection using global and local spatiotemporal features Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2016, v.35, 169-183
- Efficient Residual DPCM Using an l(1) Robust Linear Prediction in Screen Content Video Coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, 2016, v.18 no.10, 2054-2065
- Intrusion Detection System Using Deep Neural Network for In-Vehicle Network Security PLOS ONE, 2016, v.11 no.6
- Multiview and 3D Video Compression Using Neighboring Block Based Disparity Vectors IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, 2016, v.18 no.4, 576-589
- Novel distribution model of transformed coefficients in video coding using quad-tree structured block partitioning Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 28, 1589-1609
- Sample adaptive color space transform for screen content video coding Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2016, 20 Oct 2016, 1-8
- 3차원 동영상 압축 표준의 텍스쳐 비디오 우선 부호화방식을 위한 변위 벡터 추정 기법 한국통신학회논문지, 2015, v.40 no.10, 2080-2089
- Sample selective filter in HEVC intra-prediction for screen content video coding ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 2015, v.51 no.3, 236-237
- Sparcity-induced structured transform in intra video coding for screen contents Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2015, v.9315, 300-307
- Structured sparse representation of residue in screen content video coding Electronics Letters, 2015, v.51 no.23, 1871-1873
- 색 공간 내 중복 정보 감소를 위한 HEVC 스크린 콘텐츠 부호화 기법 성능 분석 방송공학회 논문지, 2015, v.20 no.5, 687-696
- 스크린 콘텐츠 비디오의 압축을 위한 인접 화소의 가중 합을 이용한 적응적 Residual DPCM 기법 방송공학회 논문지, 2015, v.20 no.5, 782-785
- Explicit residual DPCM for screen contents coding Proceedings of the International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, ISCE, 2014
- On DCT coefficient distribution in video coding using quad-tree structured partition 2014 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA 2014, 2014
- [학술지논문] Reference-based In-loop Filter with Robust Neural Feature Transfer for Video Coding ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING COMMUNICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 2024, v.0 no.0 , 1-23
- [학술지논문] Noise-Robust Sleep Staging via Adversarial Training With an Auxiliary Model IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2023, v.70 no.4 , 1252-1263
- [학술지논문] Reinforcement Learning for Rate-Distortion Optimized Hierarchical Prediction Structure IEEE ACCESS, 2023, v.11 no.1 , 20240-20253
- [학술지논문] Robust Spatial-Temporal Motion Coherent Priors for Multi-View Video Coding Artifact Reduction IEEE ACCESS, 2023, v.11 no.1 , 123104-123116
- [학술지논문] Deep Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: A Review of Recent Advances and Perspectives APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, 2022, v.11 no.1 , 25-25
- [학술지논문] Transferring Structured Knowledge in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of a Sleep Staging Network IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS, 2022, v.26 no.3 , 1273-1284
- [학술지논문] Unsupervised Black-Box Model Domain Adaptation for Brain Tumor Segmentation FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, 2022, v.16 no.0 , 837646-837646
- [학술지논문] 19대 대선 TV토론에 대한 방송뉴스 영상의 균형성, 진실성 연구 심층학습 기반 동영상 처리 알고리즘을 통한 후보자들의 등장빈도, 표정, 응시방향 분석 방송통신연구, 2021, v.0 no.114 , 113-157
- [학술지논문] 360 degrees Image Reference-Based Super-Resolution Using Latitude-Aware Convolution Learned From Synthetic to Real IEEE ACCESS, 2021, v.9 no.0 , 155924-155935
- [학술지논문] Dynamic Motion Estimation and Evolution Video Prediction Network IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, 2021, v.23 no.0 , 3986-3998
- [학술지논문] Fast Multi-Type Tree Partitioning for Versatile Video Coding Using a Lightweight Neural Network IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, 2021, v.23 no.0 , 4388-4399
- [학술지논문] Automated Detection of Surface Cracks and Numerical Correlation with Thermal-Structural Behaviors of Fire Damaged Concrete Beams INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS, 2020, v.14 no.1 , 12-12
- [학술지논문] Deep Video Prediction Network-ased Inter-Frame Coding in HEVC IEEE ACCESS, 2020, v.8 no.0 , 95906-95917
- [학술지논문] 딥 러닝(Deep learning)기반 동영상 처리 알고리즘을 통한 19대 대선 TV토론 영상분석 후보자들의 등장빈도, 표정, 응시방향에 대한 분석 한국언론학보, 2020, v.64 no.5 , 319-372
- [학술지논문] Toward 6 Degree-of-Freedom Video Coding Technique and Performance Analysis 방송공학회 논문지, 2019, v.24 no.6 , 1035-1052
- [학술지논문] Context-Based Ternary Tree Decision Method in Versatile Video Coding for Fast Intra Coding IEEE ACCESS, 2019, v.7 no.0 , 172597-172605
- [학술지논문] Ensemble of Random Binary Output Encoding for Adversarial Robustness IEEE ACCESS, 2019, v.7 no.0 , 124632-124640
- [학술지논문] Fast Affine Motion Estimation for Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Encoding IEEE ACCESS, 2019, v.7 no.0 , 158075-158084
- [학술지논문] Multi-channel fusion convolutional neural network to classify syntactic anomaly from language-related ERP components INFORMATION FUSION, 2019, v.52 no.0 , 53-61
- [학술발표] SNeRV: Spectra-preserving Neural Representation for Video ECCV 2024, 이탈리아, 2024-10-01 ECCV 2024, 2024
- [학술발표] SRTube: Video-Language Pre-Training with Action-Centric Video Tube Features and Semantic Role Labeling Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 미국, 2024-06-20 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2024
- [학술발표] Implicit Neural Representation for Video Coding Through Progressive Feature Extraction Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing (APSIPA), 2023, 대만, 2023-11-01 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing (APSIPA), 2023, 2023
- [학술발표] Future Object Localization in Autonomous Driving Using Ego-Centric Images and Motions 2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA, 태국, 2022-11-08 2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA, 2022
- [학술발표] Unsupervised domain adaptation for segmentation with black-box source model SPIE Medical Imaging 2022, 미국, 2022-04-04 SPIE, 2022
- [학술발표] Rate-distortion optimized temporal segmentation using reinforcement learning for video coding Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 일본, 2021-12-14 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2021
- [학술발표] Training compression artifacts reduction network with domain adaptation SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 미국, 2021-08-01 Proceedings Volume 11842, Applications of Digital Image Processing XLIV; 118420U (2021), 2021
- [학술발표] Video Question Answering Using Language-Guided Deep Compressed-Domain Video Feature International Conference on Computer Vision, 미국, 2021-10-12 International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021
- [학술발표] Super-resolution of Multi-view ERP 360-Degree Images with Two-Stage Disparity Refinement APSIPA 2020, 뉴질랜드, 2020-12-07 APSIPA 2020, 2020
- [학술발표] Temporal Attention Feature Encoding for Video Captioning APSIPA 2020, 뉴질랜드, 2020-12-07 APSIPA 2020, 2020
- [학술발표] Relevance Regularization of Convolutional Neural Network for Interpretable Classification IEEE Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Workshop, 미국, 샌디에고, 2019-06-16 CVPRW, 2019
Signals & Systems 강의 계획서 상세보기
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Smart Factory Capstone Design
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Machine Learning and Laboratory
- Subject No 38762Class No 01
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Image Coding
- Subject No G14674Class No 01
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Smart Factory Capstone Design
- Subject No G18163Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour)
Smart Factory Capstone Design
- Subject No G18163Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour)
Machine Learning and Laboratory
- Subject No 38762Class No 01
- 4Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~5 (ENG A107) , Wed 4~4 (ENG A107)
Machine Learning
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- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 2~3 (ENG )
Smart Factory Capstone Design
- Subject No G18163Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour)
Advanced Programming for Electronics Engineering
- Subject No 37275Class No 01
- 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 6~6 (ENG A103) , Thu 4~4 (ENG A410)
Video signal processing 강의 계획서 상세보기
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- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 5~6 (-)
Introduction to programming
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Machine Learning
- Subject No G17315Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 2~3 (ENG )
Academic Background
University of Southern California Ph.D.(전자공학과)
Seoul Nat'l Univ. 공학석사(전기컴퓨터공학부)
Seoul Nat'l Univ. 공학사(전기공학부)
Work Experience
Qualcomm 2012-08-06 ~ 2014-02-28