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Ewha University

College of Medicine

KIM TAE HUN Professor

College of Medicine

김태헌 프로필 사진

Research Record
  • Identification of patients with favorable prognosis after resection in intermediate-stage-hepatocellular carcinoma International journal of surgery (London, England), 2024, v.110 no.2, 1008-1018
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • PAGE-B incorporating moderate HBV DNA levels predicts risk of HCC among patients entering into HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B Journal of Hepatology, 2024, v.80 no.1, 20-30
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Risk Stratification for Sarcopenic Obesity in Subjects With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2023, v.21 no.9, 2298-2.31E21
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Association of Physical Activity With Risk of Liver Fibrosis, Sarcopenia, and Cardiovascular Disease in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2022
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effects of modafinil in nonalcoholic liver disease Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2021, v.144, 112372
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Association of Physical Activity with the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B CANCERS, 2021, v.13 no.14, 3424
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Clinical features and evolution of bacterial infection-related acute-on-chronic liver failure Journal of Hepatology, 2021, v.74 no.2, 330-339
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Prognostic Value of Alpha-Fetoprotein in Patients Who Achieve a Complete Response to Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2021 , 12-20
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • A differential risk assessment and decision model for Transarterial chemoembolization in hepatocellular carcinoma based on hepatic function BMC CANCER, 2020, v.20 no.1, 504
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Noninvasive indices for predicting nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with chronic kidney disease BMC NEPHROLOGY, 2020, v.21 no.1, 50
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Relative fat mass at baseline and its early change may be a predictor of incident nonalcoholic fatty liver disease SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2020, v.10 no.1, 17491
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Altered Redox State Modulates Endothelial K(Ca)2.3 and K(Ca)3.1 Levels in Normal Pregnancy and Preeclampsia ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING, 2019, v.30 no.4, 505-519
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Circulating tumor cells are associated with poor outcomes in early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective study Hepatology International, 2019, v.13 no.6, 726-735
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Durability of Sustained Virologic Response and Improvement of Fibrosis Markers after Daclatasvir and Asunaprevir Treatment in Genotype 1b Hepatitis C Virus-Infected Patients: a Real Life and Multicenter Study JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2019, v.34 no.41, UNSP e264
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Epidemiology and Effects of Bacterial Infections in Patients With Cirrhosis Worldwide GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2019, v.156 no.5, 1368-
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Fecal and blood microbiota profiles and presence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in obese versus lean subjects PLOS ONE, 2019, v.14 no.3, e0213692
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Long-term Prognosis of Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Survivors JOURNAL OF CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2019, v.53 no.2, 134-141
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • The Efficacy of Cone-Beam CT–Based Liver Perfusion Mapping to Predict Initial Response of Hepatocellular Carcinoma to Transarterial Chemoembolization Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 2019, v.30 no.3, 358-369
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • The Impact of Previous Acute Decompensation on the Long-Term Prognosis of Alcoholic Hepatitis in Cirrhotic Patients JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 2019, v.8 no.10, 1600
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Validation of prognostic scores to predict short-term mortality in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 2018, v.33 no.4, 900-909
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Decreased S100B expression in chronic liver diseases The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine, 2017, v.32 no.2, 269-276
    SCIE KCI dColl.
  • Emergence of rifampin-resistant staphylococci after rifaximin administration in cirrhotic patients PLoS ONE, 2017, v.12 no.10
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 소라페닙 치료 실패 후 반복적인 경동맥 화학색전술로 장기 생존한 1예 대한간암학회지, 2017, v.17 no.1, 82~87
    KCI후보 dColl.
  • Assessment of scoring systems for acute-on-chronic liver failure at predicting short-term mortality in patients with alcoholic hepatitis WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2016, v.22 no.41, 9205-9213
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Characteristics and Discrepancies in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure: Need for a Unified Definition PLOS ONE, 2016, v.11 no.1
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Clinical effect of add-on Primovist-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging on preoperative tumor staging in hepatocellular carcinoma patients Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2016, v.114 no.1, 106-111
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Myasthenia Crisis Induced by Pegylated-Interferon in Patient With Chronic Hepatitis C: A Case Report MEDICINE, 2016, v.95 no.21
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Altering sphingolipid composition with aging induces contractile dysfunction of gastric smooth muscle via K(Ca)1.1 upregulation AGING CELL, 2015, v.14 no.6, 982-994
    Scopus dColl.
  • Functional Modulation of Regulatory T Cells by IL-2 PLOS ONE, 2015, v.10 no.11
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • A Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Entecavir Versus Lamivudine Through 240 Weeks of Treatment in Korean Patients with HBeAg-negative Chronic Hepatitis B HEPATOLOGY, 2014, v.60, 1119A-1120A
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • A case of obstructive jaundice caused by tuberculous lymphadenitis: A literature review Clinical and Molecular Hepatology, 2014, 제20권 2호, 208-213
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Involvement of adiponectin in early stage of colorectal carcinogenesis BMC CANCER, 2014, v.14
    SCIE dColl.
  • 만성 C형 간염 치료의 최근 발전 대한내과학회지, 2014, v.86 no.5, 563-569
    KCI dColl.
  • 2024-1st

    • Digestive system

      • Subject No 37615Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 69Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Internal Medicine Clerkship Ⅳ

      • Subject No 37644Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 4Credit , 220Hour)
      • Major Requisite
  • 2023-2nd

    • Internal Medicine Clerkship Ⅳ

      • Subject No 37644Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 4Credit , 220Hour)
      • Major Requisite
  • 2023-1st

    • Digestive system

      • Subject No 37615Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 69Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Internal Medicine Clerkship Ⅳ

      • Subject No 37644Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 4Credit , 220Hour)
      • Major Requisite
  • 2022-2nd

    • Internal Medicine Clerkship Ⅳ

      • Subject No 37644Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 4Credit , 220Hour)
      • Major Requisite
  • 2022-1st

    • Digestive system

      • Subject No 37615Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 69Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Internal Medicine Clerkship Ⅳ

      • Subject No 37644Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 4Credit , 220Hour)
      • Major Requisite
  • 2021-2nd

    • Internal Medicine Clerkship Ⅳ

      • Subject No 37644Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 4Credit , 220Hour)
      • Major Requisite
  • 2021-1st

    • Digestive system

      • Subject No 37615Class No 01
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 69Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Internal Medicine Clerkship Ⅳ

      • Subject No 37644Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 4Credit , 220Hour)
      • Major Requisite
Academic Background

Seoul Nat'l Univ. 의학박사(의학)