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Ewha University

College of Liberal Arts

Younmi Kim Professor

Art History

김연미 프로필 사진

Research Record
  • Forgotten Traces of the Buddhist Incantation Spell Practice from Early Korea: Amulet Sheets of the Incantation of Wish-Fulfillment (Mahāpratisarā) from Silla Religions, 2023, v.14 no.3, 340
    AHCI Scopus dColl.
  • Talismans (pujok (sic)) forRebirthinChoson Buddhist Rituals and their Earlier Traces in China JOURNAL OF KOREAN RELIGIONS, 2023, v.14 no.2, 57-99
    AHCI Scopus KCI dColl.
  • 고려후기 불교 부인(符印)의 전개 불교학보, 2021, no.96, 123-156
    KCI dColl.
  • 관음(觀音) 42수주(手呪) 및 『오대진언』의 성립과 전개 불교미술사학, 2021, v.31, 191-218
    KCI dColl.
  • 성장과 사라지는 경계들: 동양미술사연구 회고와 전망(2019~2020년) 역사학보, 2021, no.251, 527-568
    KCI dColl.
  • 회암사 보광전 주존 불상에 대한 종합적 추정 미술사학연구, 2021, v.311 no.311, 115-150
    KCI dColl.
  • A Ritual Embodied in Architectural Space: The Uṣṇīṣavijayā Dhāraṇī and Yingxian Timber Pagoda from the Liao Empire International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, 2020, v.30 no.2, 53-108
    KCI dColl.
  • From Esoteric to Pure Land and Huayan Buddhism: Uṣṇīṣavijayā Dhāraṇī Mandala in Liao Buddhism 미술사학연구, 2020, v.307 no.307, 153-190
    KCI dColl.
  • History of Collecting Korean Ceramics in America and the Yale University Art Collections ARTS OF ASIA, 2018, v.48 no.2, 106-115
    AHCI dColl.
  • Virtual pilgrimage and virtual geography: Power of Liao miniature pagodas (907-1125) Religions, 2017, v.8 no.10
    AHCI Scopus dColl.
  • 불복장 의복 봉안의 의미:상원사 문수동자상의 저고리와 전설을 중심으로 미술사학, 2017, v.34, 165~196
    KCI dColl.
  • [학술지논문] Forgotten Traces of the Buddhist Incantation Spell Practice from Early Korea: Amulet Sheets of the Incantation of Wish-Fulfillment (Mahapratisara) from Silla RELIGIONS, 2023, v.14 no.3 , 340-340
  • [학술지논문] Historical Origin and Evolution of Late-Joseon Perceptions on the Miraculous Perspiration of Buddhist Statues Korean Journal of Art History, 2023, v.319 no.319 , 201-237
  • [학술지논문] Talismans (pujok (sic)) forRebirthinChoson Buddhist Rituals and their Earlier Traces in China JOURNAL OF KOREAN RELIGIONS, 2023, v.14 no.2 , 57-99
  • [학술지논문] 조선시대 불교 부적의 연원과 전개 - 고려시대 전통의 계승과 변화 - 한국불교학, 2023, v.0 no.106 , 157-209
  • [학술지논문] 학문의 사각지대 : 한국 불교부적의 지구사적 연구 가능성 탐색 역사와 현실, 2022, v.0 no.124 , 485-500
  • [학술지논문] Transformation of Buddhist Talisman-Seals during the Koryŏ Dynasty 불교학보, 2021, v.0 no.96 , 123-156
  • [학술지논문] The Emergence and Development of the 42-Hand Mantras of Avalokiteśvara and the Five Great Mantras 불교미술사학, 2021, v.31 no.0 , 191-218
  • [학술지논문] Growth of the Field and Vanishing Boundaries: A Retrospective and Prospective of Asian Art History (2019-2020) 역사학보, 2021, v.0 no.251 , 527-568
  • [학술지논문] 회암사 보광전 주존 불상에 대한 종합적 추정 미술사학연구, 2021, v.311 no.311 , 115-150
  • [학술지논문] A Ritual Embodied in Architectural Space: The Uṣṇīṣavijayā Dhāraṇī and Yingxian Timber Pagoda from the Liao Empire International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, 2020, v.30 no.2 , 53-108
  • [학술지논문] 요대 밀교의 정토교와 화엄불교 수용 양상: 불정존승다라니만다라를 중심으로 미술사학연구, 2020, v.307 no.307 , 153-190
  • [학술지논문] The Korean Pokchang Tradition and the Placing of Objects in Buddhist Statues Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, 2020, v.28 no.0 , 1-21
  • [저역서] A Companion to Korean Art (Blackwell Companions to Art History) Wiley-Blackwell, 2020, 568
  • [저역서] Refiguring East Asian Religious Art: Buddhist Devotion and Funerary Practice Art Media Resources Inc, 2019, 322
  • [학술발표] Buddhist Talisman-Seals from Dunhuang to Korea International conference, Comparing Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Religions, 스위스, 제네바, 2023-05-06 Confucius Institute Geneva: Comparing Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Religions, 2023
  • [학술발표] Fu-Talismans for Rebirth in Chosŏn Religious Practice and Its Afterlife Ritual and Materiality in Buddhism and Asian Religions, 미국, Princeton, 2023-06-15 프린스턴 대학교: Ritual and Materiality in Buddhism and Asian Religions, 2023
  • [학술발표] Should We Punish Sweating Statues? Discourses on Miraculous Buddhist Images in Chosŏn Korea International Workshop, Expanding the Range of Japanese Buddhist and Religious Studies, 미국, 2023-03-19 하버드대학교: Expanding the Range of Japanese Buddhist and Religious Studies, 2023
  • [학술발표] Impact from Liao? Exploring the Korean Practice of Stamping Buddhist Incantation on Clothing Kitan Studies Symposium , 스코트랜드, Aberdeen, 2022-01-14 Kitan Studies Symposium , 2022
  • [학술발표] Introduction of “Art” and the Museum System to Local Buddhist Monasteries The 19th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, 대한민국, 서울, 2022-08-17 International Association of Buddhist Studies, 2022
  • [학술발표] Should We Punish Sweating Statues? Discourses Surrounding the Miraculous Buddhist Images in Chosŏn Korea Miraculous Images in Global Perspectives, 프랑스, Aussois, 2022-06-22 Miraculous Images in Global Perspectives, 2022
  • [학술발표] Gender and Buddhist Art in Asia: Embodiment, Patronage, and the Sacred Gender and Buddhist Art in Asia: Embodiment, Patronage and the Sacred, 미국, 2022-06-02 Gender and Buddhist Art in Asia: Embodiment, Patronage, and the Sacred, 2022
  • [학술발표] 한국 다라니 의복에 미친 요나라 및 외래 영향에 대한 탐색 고려·조선시대 미술과 중국 북방 왕조, 대한민국, 2022-04-02 고려·조선시대 미술과 중국 북방 왕조, 2022
  • [학술발표] Between Image and Text: Tracing the Transformation of a Buddhist Talisman from Dunhuang and Korea A Forest of Knowledge about the Texts and Images regarding Buddhist Saints, Sages, Translators, and , 캐나다, 2021-10-16 A Forest of Knowledge about the Texts and Images regarding Buddhist Saints, Sages, Translators, and , 2021
  • [학술발표] Clothing Stamped with Dhāraṇī and Buddhist Talismans: Korean Buddhist Practice in Global Perspective Korean Art in the Context of Global Art History (한국미술과 글로벌 아트 히스토리), 대한민국, 서울, 2021-06-20 Korean Art in the Context of Global Art History (한국미술과 글로벌 아트 히스토리), 2021, 1-298
  • [학술발표] The Uṣṇīṣavijayā Dhāraṇī and Pagodas of the Liao Dynasty (917–1125) International Conference: Esoteric Buddhism and East Asian Society, 캐나다, Vancouver, 2020-03-07 Esoteric Buddhism and East Asian Society, 2020
  • [학술발표] Body inside Body: Used Garments and Living Statues in Korean Buddhism The 5th Ewha-Yale Conference: Life, Medicine, and Religion in Korea and Southeast Asia, 미국, New Haven, 2019-10-23 Life, Medicine, and Religion in Korea and Southeast Asia, 2019
  • [학술발표] Erasing and Reshaping the Emperor’s Space: A Hybridized Avalokiteśvara Hall at Songgwang Temple Korean Buddhism at the Crossroads: In Search of a New Paradigm for Early Modern and Modern Korean Bu, 미국, New Haven, 2019-04-19 Korean Buddhism at the Crossroads, 2019
  • [학술발표] From Dirty Clothes to Substitute Body: Reuse of Used Clothing in the Image-Making Tradition of Korea 107th CAA (College Art Association) Annual Conference, 미국, 뉴욕, 2019-02-15 107th CAA Annual Conference Program, 2019
  • [학술발표] Virtual Pilgrimage through Agency of Miniature in Medieval Buddhism Leeds International Medieval Congress, 영국, Leeds, 2019-07-01 Leeds International Medieval Congress 01-04 July 2019, 2019
  • [학술발표] Weaving the Cerebral and the Somatic: Dhāraṇī Ritual and Yingxian Timber Pagoda Site and Sight: Chinese Pagoda: CAMLab International Conference, 미국, Boston, 2019-11-15 Site and Sight: Chinese Pagoda, 2019
  • [서평] Efficacious Underworld: The Evolution of Ten Kings Paintings in Medieval China and Korea ACTA KOREANA, 2020, v.23 no.2 , 157-160
  • 2022-2nd

    • Introduction to History of Eastern Art

      • Subject No 10033Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 3~3 (ECOL318) , Fri 3~3 (ECOL318)
    • History of Buddhist Painting

      • Subject No G14301Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 6~7 (HUM108)
    • Study of Buddhist Art 2

      • Subject No G17798Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 6~7 (HUM-108)
      • Language Changed
  • 2022-1st

    • Art History Research Methodology I

      • Subject No G14284Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~6 (HUM108)
    • Buddhist Monasteries and Art

      • Subject No G17793Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~6 (HUM108)
  • 2021-2nd

    • Introduction to History of Eastern Art

      • Subject No 10033Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~5 , Wed 4~4
    • History of Korean Buddhist Sculpture

      • Subject No G14269Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 6~7 (HUM108)
      • Language Changed
  • 2021-1st

    • Chinese Buddhist Caves

      • Subject No G17792Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 6~7 (HUM-108)
    • Buddhist Monasteries and Art

      • Subject No G17793Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Wed 3~4 (HUM-108)
Academic Background

Harvard University Ph.D.(History of Art and Architecture)

Harvard University A.M.(History of Art and Architecture(석박사통합과정석사))