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Ewha University

HOKMA College of General Education

Jung Lee Assistant Professor

Ewha Institute for the Humanities/Posthuman Studies/HOKMA College of General Education

이정 프로필 사진
I received a doctorate in history of science and technology from Science Studies, Seoul National University. I conducted post-doctoral researches at the Needham Research Institute at Cambridge, the Academia Sinica in Taipei, and the Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science In Berlin. I was also a 2022-23 Paris IAS Fellow. I am interested in the intertwined history of science, technology and the environment.
Research Record
  • [학술지논문] Cranes, Cultivating a New Knowledge Practice in Late-Chosŏn Korea: Knowledge Transformations Connected by Things EAST ASIAN SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 2024, v.18 no.1 , 47-69
  • [저역서] Technoscience of Tak and Artisans: Resourceful evolution of Chosŏn Papermaking 푸른역사, 2023, 408
  • Cranes, Cultivating a New Knowledge Practice in Late-Chosŏn Korea: Knowledge Transformations Connected by Things East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 2024, v.18 no.1, 47-69
    SSCI AHCI Scopus dColl.
  • 물질, 삶과 만나는 변방의 낯선 과학 역사학보, 2020, no.247, 489-512
    KCI dColl.
  • 조선 후기 기술 지식의 실용성: 제지(製紙) 관련 지식을 통해 본 실학(實學) 한국과학사학회지, 2020, v.42 no.1, 125-161
    KCI dColl.
  • Socially skilling toil: New artisanship in papermaking in late Choson Korea HISTORY OF SCIENCE, 2019, v.57 no.2, 167-193
    SCIE SSCI AHCI Scopus dColl.
  • 제국 신민의 전염병 도시 경성 이화사학연구, 2019, no.58, 45~89
    KCI dColl.
  • 관료들의 천국: 일제강점기 약초재배운동의조화로운 동상이몽 역사학보, 2018, no.238, 299~341
    KCI dColl.
  • [학술지논문] Making waste one's own: transformations in production by resting paper, or hyuji, in Choson Korea HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022, v.38 no.2-3 , 186-204
  • [학술지논문] Strange Peripheral Science Confronting Life and Matter 역사학보, 2020, v.0 no.247 , 489-512
  • [학술지논문] 조선 후기 기술 지식의 실용성: 제지(製紙) 관련 지식을 통해 본 실학(實學) 한국과학사학회지, 2020, v.42 no.1 , 125-161
  • [학술지논문] Socially skilling toil: New artisanship in papermaking in late Choson Korea HISTORY OF SCIENCE, 2019, v.57 no.2 , 167-193
  • [학술발표] Colonial Other, or Resourceful Us Different Histories, Challenging Genealogies, 독일, 베를린(줌), 2021-04-16 Different Histories, Challenging Genealogies, 2021
  • [학술발표] 자연문화물 두루미를 통해 본 조선 실학의 도구성 제64회 역사학대회, 대한민국, 서울, 2021-10-30 제64회 역사학대회 자료집, 2021
  • [학술발표] Designing and Defining Wasteful Margins: Powered by Waste Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting, 이탈리아, Milan, 2019-10-26 Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting, 2019
  • [학술발표] Making Waste one’s Own: the artisanal industrialization of waste in papermaking in Chosŏn Korea Making History: Technologies of Production in East Asia’s Past, 미국, Cambridge, 2019-10-04 Making History: Technologies of Production in East Asia’s Past, 2019
  • [학술발표] Tacit Factionalism: Exclusion of Rooted Practice in Late Chosŏn Studies of Papermaking ICHSEA 2019, 대한민국, 전주, 2019-08-22 ICHSEA 2019, 2019
  • [서평] Naming the Local Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 2020, v.80 no.1 , 272-278
  • 2024-1st

    • Looking in to the World from the Perspective of Humanities

      • Subject No 10956Class No 01
      • Year ( 1Credit , 1.5Hour)
    • Anthropocene History of Science and Technology

      • Subject No G17996Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~6 (POSCO-353)
  • 2023-2nd

  • 2023-1st

  • 2022-2nd

    • Looking in to the World from the Perspective of Humanities

      • Subject No 10956Class No 01
      • Year ( 1Credit , 1.5Hour)
  • 2022-1st

    • Understanding Scientific Reasoning

      • Subject No 11047Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 6~6 , Wed 5~5
    • Philosophy of Science with Episodes

      • Subject No 11257Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~5 , Wed 4~4
    • Technological Risk and Social Tension

      • Subject No G17998Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 4~5 (HUM-201)
  • 2021-2nd

    • Philosophy of Science with Episodes

      • Subject No 11257Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 4~4 , Thu 5~5
    • Anthropocene History of Science and Technology

      • Subject No G17996Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Wed 5~6 (POSCO-356)
      • Classroom Changed
  • 2021-1st

    • Understanding Scientific Reasoning

      • Subject No 11047Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 3~3 (ECC) , Thu 4~4 (153)
    • Philosophy of Science with Episodes

      • Subject No 11257Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 2~2 (ECC) , Thu 3~3 (153)