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Ewha Weekly Won the “15th SisaIN University Journalist Award”

  • Date2024.04.09
  • 18114

The university media organization, "Ewha Weekly" (led by Park Sung-hee), won the grand prize at the "15th SisaIN University Journalist Award."

The University Journalist Award was established by the current affairs weekly magazine "SisaIN" in 2009 to encourage university journalists and promote the activation of university media. In this year's competition, 177 entries were submitted from university media outlets nationwide. After going through the preliminary and final rounds, which included four judges from the SisaIN editorial office and experts from the media and academia, six articles were selected. The grand prize is awarded to the most outstanding article among those submitted in various categories such as reporting, photography and graphics, broadcasting and video, new currents, and special awards.

'제15회 시사IN 대학기자상' 대상을 수여한 이대학보 기자들이 3월 열린 시상식에서 수상작을 소개하고 있다. (왼쪽부터) 윤민서, 김아름빛, 백가은 기자

Ewha Weekly’s Journalists, Yoon Min-seo(from the left), Kim Areum-bit, Baek Ga-eun, Explaining Their Grand Prize Awarded Article on March “15th SisaIN University Journalist Award”

The feature article titled "Living in Seoul but Not a Citizen of Seoul... Students Unable to do Moving-in Report," was published in the October 9, 2023 edition of "Ewha Weekly” and won the prize. Journalists Kim Areum-bit, Baek Ga-eun, and Yoon Min-seo covered the plight of students from rural areas who were unable to notify their new addresses because of their landlords. They disclosed the reality of the students, being disadvantaged in lease contracts, and forced to accept unfair and illegal demands. To investigate this issue, they conducted a comprehensive survey of 141 studio apartment households and 12 share houses near Ewha university.

Park Jong-hyun, the president of the Korean Journalists Association who was responsible for judging, commented, "Although housing issues in university areas have been occasionally covered by mainstream media, many have focused on the cost aspect, and they have not touched upon the negative phenomena resulting from the inability to notify the new address." He praised Ewha Weekly’s articles, saying it was a masterpiece that eloquently demonstrated the reason of the existence of university journalism.

[Read the Awarded Article] “Living in Seoul but Not a Citizen of Seoul” Students Unable to do Moving-in Report

[Read the comment of SisaIN] How Come the Students Cannot Notify their New Addresses

시상식에서 다른 대학 언론사 수상자들과 함께 사진을 찍고 있는 이대학보 기자들(앞줄 가운데).  Ewha Weekly Journalists(front and middle) Taking Photos with Other Awardees

The awards ceremony took place on March 23 at Seoul City Hall's Seosomun Government Complex. The grand prize winner received a certificate, trophy, and a prize of 2 million KRW. Kim Areum-bit, the editor-in-chief of Ewha Weekly, expressed her satisfaction, saying, "I was proud to be able to raise issues about the residential problems that we as university students experience firsthand, which have not been covered by mainstream media."

Ewha Weekly, founded in 1954 and celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, is the representative university media outlet, highly recognized both inside and outside the university for its high-quality journalism. Ewha Weekly has continuously proven its outstanding journalistic capabilities through awards, including winning the "University Newspaper Life Respect Article Competition" in 2023, the New Currents category of the "SisaIN University Journalist Award" in the same year, and the reporting category of the "SisaIN University Journalist Award" in 2020.