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“2022 Youth Kiwoom Restaurant Competition” Winning the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Award (Grand Priz

  • Date2023.01.09
  • 10033

Ewha student team won the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Award (Grand Prize) at the “2022 Youth Kiwoom Restaurant Competition” 

Youth Kiwoom Restaurant Sinchon branch won the Grand Prize given by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Grand Prize) 

At the "2022 Youth Kiwoom Restaurant Best Practices Online Contest" held by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) on December 26 (Mon). "Ether Lab." the Ewha student team, won the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Award, which is the Grand Prize. In addition. Shinchon branch of the Youth Kiwoom Restaurant, where Oh Ji-eun, a professor at the College of Science & Industry Convergence of Ewha Woman University, is in charge of operation in the "2022 Food Startup Incubating (Fostering) Project Evaluation," was selected as an excellent business implementation institution for three consecutive years, winning the Minister's Award. 

The "Youth Kiwoom Restaurant" project for incubating youth restaurant start-ups is a representative restaurant and food start-up support project in Korea supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and is operated in a total of seven locations nationwide. Ewha Woman University has formed a consortium with Seodaemun-gu Office and E-Food Lab Co., Ltd. and has been carrying out the "Youth Kiwoom Restaurant Sinchon Branch" project since 2019. Located in "Shinchon Box Square" 22-5 Sinchon Station-roSeodaemun-gu, Youth Kiwoom Restaurant Sinchon Branch offers on-site consulting and customized start-up education programs for young people wishing to start a restaurant. A total of 38 teams have participated in start-up incubation for four years since the implementation of the project in 2019, and five teams have actually succeeded in starting a business in Box Square, Sinchon, and some are expanding their businesses. Ewha student team, Veggie Bear, particitipated in the Youth Kiwoom Restaurant project in 2019, and Peace of Pi team particitipated in 2022, successfully starting a business. Many other teams are also preparing to start their own businesses.  

Youth Kiwoom Restaurant Sinchon Branch "Ether Lab" store and Instagram

The "Ether Lab" team, consisting of Cho Hyun-jin (Business, the Class of 2024), Kim Jung-yeon (Business, the Class of 2024), Kim Ji-won (Business, the Class of 2024), Baek Seung-min (Business, the Class of 2024), Lee Sun-min (Health Convergence, the Class of 2022), and Cho Soo-jung (Painting, the Class of 2023), entered Sinchon Box Square in September to run the market and sell desserts using low-calorie sweetener, targeting college students in their 20s who are interested in a diet. The team has been recognized for its continued release of new menus during operation with its own social media and participation in the Daedongie Festival and merchandise events. The team also won the grand prize at the competition in recognition of various ways to expand the consumer base and prepare for the launch of simple development foods to expand its business for middle-aged people who have difficulty eating sugar-containing desserts due to chronic diseases such as diabetes. 

In addition, the "Ily Dagwa" student team including Choi Dae-yeon (environmental engineering, the Class of 2025), won the Encouragement Award for selling traditional Korean fusion desserts as its main menu in August, in recognization of the achievements of creative menu development and successful commercialization. 

"Ether Lab" (left) and "Ily Dagwa" (center) being presented at the 2022 Youth Kiwoom Restaurant Best Practices Competition and Talk Concert. 

Professor Oh mentioned, “Through this project, young people, including Ewha students, can experience planning and commercialization of restaurant products and will be the foundation for practical start-ups in the future.”