Six books by Ewha professors Selected for the ‘2024 Sejong Books’ N
- Date2025.03.05
- 4697
Six books by Ewha professors were selected for the ‘2024 Sejong Books’, including books published by the Ewha Womans University Press. The Sejong Book program chooses and supplies books of excellence in academic and general knowledge, encourages publishers to publish books of good quality, and to improve the reading culture of citizens. It was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to the Korea Publication Industry Promotion Agency.
[Category of Social Sciences]
<Media Herstory 3.0: A record of 30 years> (Authors: Emeritus professor Park Dong-sook, Department of Communication and Media, et al.) This book reflects and records the past 30 years on change of women of Korean society and media, from the perspectives of female researchers with different interests. As the 19th volume in the Women’s Communication Research Series, it was made as part of the 30th anniversary project of the Korean Women’s Association for Communication Studies. It especially digs into the problem of persisting inequality with women and the minority, even with changes in media usage and production and also explains how life reproduced in media and new technologies affects women. Readers will be able to engage with various critical issues that female media researchers aim to share with the future generation.
<Asking Labour Law> (Authors: Professor Park Gwi-cheon, Department of Law, et al.) This book poses fundamental questions to find the right shape of labour law, unlike general explanatory books on labour law. It has answers to questions like “What is Labour Law really for?”, “Why is Labour Law needed?” The authors revised their previous columns and articles they have published to reflect the present context and wrote new chapters that summarize the whole content of the book in order for publication. Readers are expected to imagine new things that go beyond the previous stereotype on the natural responsibilities of the corporate and labour law.
<Understanding of Digital Education> (Authors: Professor Jung Jae-young, Department of Education, et al.) This book is composed with knowledge needed to understand from basic concepts of digital education to instances of application of latest technologies, which is needed to systematically understand the big digital transformation of education. It divides digital education related knowledge into thirteen categories and is written by top domestic experts, it introduces innovative changes bought to education by digital technologies to future educators and learners and aims to search for strategies to successfully teach and learn in the changing era.
[Technology and Science Category]
<Posthuman and Robodeus: The Present and Future of Superintelligent AI> (Author: Professor Yong Hwan-seung, Department of Computer Science) This book is about how mankind will evolve in the future due to AI and the era of humanoid robots. There are countless sayings about the many changes and lookout of the future that AI will bring and discussions on how to respond to changes of individuals, society, and nations it willbring as a result. The author himself composed and wrote mainly about AI and the future society not only as a teaching material related to AI, but also as an introductory AI book.
[Arts Category]
<A History of the Urban Architecture of Paris 1: The Middle Ages and Classical Era> (Author: Professor Im Seok-Jae, Department of Architecture) This is a research book that systematically organized city architecture history from the beginning of Paris, the ‘Capital of Europe,’ to the early modern period. It explores 1,700 years of historical change focusing on the formation and growth process of Paris, its main city structures, and representative edifices of each era and reflects on its meaning. This book integrates organically and stereoscopically the three themes of city, architecture and history and readers will be able to take a closer look at the dazzling architectural aspect of Paris at its classic golden peak.
[History/Geography/Tourism Category]
<The Immediate Post-Liberation Period of 1945: The Archetype of modern Korea> (Author: Professor Jeong Byeong-jun, Department of History) This book is based on the historical reflections of the author and his accumulation of research results and new materials and contains stories right after the liberation in 1945. The immediate post-liberation period is the starting point of modern Korean history and was only known as a common fact consisting of big events that were distorted due to the lack of materials. It was only natural that key moments such as the establishment of the Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence after the defeat of Japan, its transition into the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the actual role and status of the Committee, and the rising of the Korean Democratic Party under the rule of the U.S. military remained undetailed to the public. The author explains the activities of various subjects, focusing on the human groups and the networks of human relationships that make up the history of the immediate post-liberation.