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Ewha Hakbo·EUBS wins ‘2020 <Sisa IN> University Student Journalism Award

  • Date2021.03.05
  • 5460

Ewha Hakbo(Ewha University Press) and EUBS, both Ewha’s student press, won ‘2020 <Sisa IN> University Student Journalism Award. 

<Sisa IN>, the weekly news magazine established this award in 2009, in order to encourage university journalists and prosper university media. In this year’s competition, 224 student works were submitted in total, and only 6 works were selected as Picture/Graphic, Broadcasting/Video, NewCurrents, and Special Prize Awards among them. 

Ewha Hakbo received the honor of Co-Winner Prize for its special report on “Sexuality Education” in the most competitive field of Coverage and Broadcasting. Kim So-jin (Korean Literature, Class of 2019), Kim Ji-won(Communication and Media, Class of 2018), Lee Do-yoon(Media Studies, Class of 2020), and Lee Ye-seul(Social Studies, Class of 2019), who studied together at the Ewha Press Examination Preparation Center(MCC), set up a coverage team as guest journalists to submit the report. 

Screen Capture of the SisaIN article on homepage

For investigative reporting, the press team infiltrated into the company issuing the “Sexuality Education Instructor Certificate” and alerted their poor instructor training system. Although many articles have been criticizing qualities of individual instructors, yet there has been none of them depicting the structure for blame. The coverage was meaningful as they had pointed out why such problems are consistently occurring. In the course that Ms. Lee Ye-seul registered, the instructor finished explaining the notion of sexual harassment only in 19 seconds, and did not hesitate to say words such as “Men do not touch any women as they also have ‘tastes.’” Lee intentionally got the basic question wrong on her open book exam, but got a certificate of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Trainer, only in three and a half hours.

[Special Feature - Sexual Education I ] “Not an Educational Institution, but a FACTORY” … Here you can be a Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Instructor only in 3.5 Hours! 

[Special Feature - Sexual Education II ] Private Companies Training Instructors AT WILL … But there is NO WAY to Halt Under the Current Law?

The judges praised the report as a scoop   that was not even in the established media. Kim Dong-hoon, chairman of the Korean Journalists Association, said in a review, "It is good to report it in a newspaper or broadcasting news. We have well developed the process of pointing out and digging into problems, and the composition and style of sentences are as perfect as the established media beyond the level of student journalists."

Commentary on the Sisa IN University Journalism Award Report Category Evaluation

Moreover, EUBS won the Broadcasting and Video Award for its video "VEGAN, BEGAN!" which deals with dietary options in universities. This video is a mini-documentary that focuses on vegetarian culture in universities in the U.S. and produces a total of 30 minutes, with part one and two.

EUBS Director in Chief Noh Chae-rim (Economics, 19) and Deputy Director Yoo Ho-seon (English Education, 19) visited the U.S. for three weeks in February 2020, just before Corona 19 spread, to cover three universities with wide vegetarian options. At the University of California Davis campus, they filmed students cooking their own farms and food materials raised here at the school cafeteria. While at Columbia University and New York University they met and interviewed vegetarian students and visited vegan restaurants together. More than 2,000 video files were captured on camera. Jeon Sung-kwan, Chairman of the Korean PD Association, said in a review that "the new culture of vegetarianism in the U.S. has been well expressed with high-quality filming and editing."

EUBS Global Report: VEGAN, BEGAN! I]

[EUBS Global Report: VEGAN, BEGAN! II]

The EUBS videos were produced with support from the Ewha Media Center's 'Oversea Report Dispatch Program'. Ewha Media Center, which supports the press activities of Ewha Hakbo(Student Press), Ewha Voice, and EUBS, provides overseas coverage opportunities for two people per medium each vacation. Selected student journalists and members will be given up to 3 million won as Overseas Training (Media) Scholarship per person. It is a very satisfactory program for the reporters as it provides experience in coverage with them and can expand their fields of knowledge abroad, including the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Most importantly, without any cost burden.

Meanwhile, Ewha Womans University was the only university to win awards in two categories. Chosun University's "Chodae Newspaper" won the Coverage Award, Korea University's "KUBS" won the Broadcast and Video, and Seoul National University's "University Newspaper" won the New Currents category, and Sogang University's “Sogang Press Council” won the Special Award category, respectively.

Lee Do-yoon and Kim So-jin (right) who won the Sisa IN University Journalism Award for reporting on the current law and poor status of training instructors for sexual harassment prevention.

 EUBS Director Noh Chae-rim and Deputy Yoo Ho-seon (right) who won the University Journalism Award for Broadcasting and Video for their mini-documentary on vegetarian options in the U.S. universities.

The award ceremony was held at the editorial office of Sisa IN in Jung-gu, Seoul on February 25, with a plaque and 1 million won in prize money, respectively. Lee Ye-seul, a guest reporter at the Ewha Hakbo, said, "I spent two months thinking about whether a man in 50s and 60s would also be interested in the news, and whether it is a good article for others, too." Also, Yoo Ho-seon, a member of the EUBS bureau, said, "I learned more than any other education through the actual process of interviews and documentary production."

Ewha Hakbo, Ewha Voice, and EUBS, are the representative three media of the school supported by the Ewha Media Center. Student journalists of the three media are in charge of all production processes, from planning to reporting to editing. Being acknowledged as student journalists and training institutions that implement high-quality journalism, they are highly trusted by Ewha students. In 2018, Ewha Hakbo won the "SisaIN University Journalist Award" for Photography and Graphics, and the Best Prize for the "University Newspaper of the Year" hosted by the JoongAng Ilbo in 2014.