Notice [General] We invite all of you to "Ewha Dormitory Residents Invitational Sunday" on March 9th, 2025 at 11:00 am. N
- 작성처이화여자대학교 대학교회
- Date2025.03.07
- 4267
You are Joyfully Invited!
Hello, we are Ewha Womans Univeristy Church.
Ewha Womans University Church⛪️ is the first university church founded in Korea, where Ewha students, faculties, their families and all neighbors in our local community come together to worship as a community.
As the new semester begins, we will celebrate March 9th (Sun) - the first Sunday of the semester –as the “Ewha Dormitory Students Invitation Sunday” service.
We invite you all who are willing to join the worship service with the university president and the lunch that follow. We look forward to many dormitory students joining us!
<Ewha Dormitory Students Invitation Sunday>
* Organized by: Ewha Womans University Church
* Date: March 9th (Sunday), 11:00 AM
* Program Schedule
- 11:00 AM: Sunday Worship Service (Ewha Womans University Church, 3rd Floor chapel)
- 12:00 PM: Lunch with the university president (I-HOUSE cafeteria)
* Contact info: Ewha Womans University Church Administration Office (Tel: 02-3277-3292)
** For those who need English Interpretation Service, we ask you kindly to bring your own earphones / headset. (You will be able to receive English Interpretation service via ZOOM.)
* Registration Link:사생초청2025
* Registration Deadline: March 9th (Sunday) 10:00 AM