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[General] [Ewha Voice] Student Reporter Recruitment (~3.7) N

  • 작성처이화보이스
  • Date2025.03.06
  • 1379

The school’s official English newspaper Ewha Voice is recruiting reporters. 

Ewha Voice was created in 1954, proudly standing as the first domestic university-based newspaper. We are open to students from all majors and grade levels who can work at Ewha Voice for 4 semesters or more. Reporters will be able to gain experience in every stage of creating a newspaper including contacting, interviewing, writing, and editing. After 1 semester as a trainee reporter, reporters will be selected for permanent positions.

1. Qualifications 

* Any Ewha student who can work at Ewha Voice for 4 semesters or more

* Proficient in both Korean and English

     ※ Those who are selected as Editor-in-Chief may have to work for more than 4 semesters

2.  Job Description

* Proposing items for the articles

* Participating in biweekly discussions

* Interviewing and covering domestic/global issues 

* Writing and editing full-length English articles 

3. Privileges

* Build experience as a reporter/journalist

* Paid commission for articles written

* Opportunity to go abroad to write an “overseas special”

* Certificate awarded for your contribution to Ewha Voice

* Networking with Ewha Voice alumni

4.  Application Timeline

* Resume deadline: 3/7 20:00

* Writing Examination: 3/8 10:00

* Interview: 3/9

(specific schedules for the interview will be notified individually)

5. Required Application Form

Download and fill in resume file

6. Send all your application files to evoice@ewha.ac.kr 

** For more information, please visit our website (http://evoice.ewha.ac.kr), or contact us via mobile (02-2463-4814), email (evoice@ewha.ac.kr), or instagram (@ewha_voice).

Visit our Website http://evoice.ewha.ac.kr