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Ewha University


[Symposium & Conference] [ACWS] 2023 Conference: “Race without Race? Studies in Racialization from an Asian Perspective”

  • 2023.11.24 ~ 2023.11.24 09:00 ~ 17:30
  • 2998

“Race without Race? Studies in Racialization from an Asian Perspective”

The Asia Center for Women's Studies (ACWS) at Ewha Womans University is organizing a conference titled "Race without Race? Studies in Racialization from an Asian Perspective" in conjunction with the Korean Social History Association and the Northeast Asia Center at the Asia Center of Seoul National University. 

We aim to discuss the prevalent racial discourses in Asia wherein no definitive category of 'race' is absent. The conference also seeks to explore theoretical and practical frames for conceptualizing 'race' and 'racialization' from an Asian perspective. Further, it provides a creative, dialogic site, serving as a starting point for discussing racialization and racism in Asia. 

Thank you for your interest and participation.


Date: 9:00-17:30, November 24, 2023. 

Venue: International Conference Hall (4F, Building #140-2), Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University

-       Opening: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85245623251?pwd=ZU9mc1hjMmJITURXb0ZDTXZ1NEE4dz09

-       Session 1, 2, and Roundtable: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81142624731?pwd=MlNhQUlseGxMY3BnTzBJUnYxdVQ1Zz09 

(Zoom ID 811 4262 4731/PW 503548)

Hosted by: “Race and Gender” Research Team from the Asian Center for Women’s Studies at Ewha Womans University, Korean Social History Association, the Northeast Asia Center from the Asia Center at Seoul National University

Inquiries: acwsewha@ewha.ac.kr