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Ewha University

College of Music

Won Kim Professor

Department of Keyboard Instruments

김원 프로필 사진
With New York Newsday describing him “fiery temperament with fire and steel” and the Washington Times calling his performance “virtually flawless and thrilling”, Won Kim is recognized as one of the most notable Korean pianists of his generation. He made his debut with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of twelve and has subsequently appeared with numerous international orchestras such as the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, the Russian National Orchestra, the Barcelona Symphony, the Baltimore Symphony and the Ukrainian State Symphony, Mozarteum Orchestra, Sinfonica Italiana Monteverdi, Wernigerode Philharmonische Kammerorchester, National Philharmonic of Ukraine, , New York Youth Symphony, Juilliard Orchestra, Zaporozhye Philharmonic and Russe Philharmonic, collaborating with such renowned artists as Yuri Temirkanov, Mikhail Pletnev and Mark Ermler as well as performing with many Korean national orchestras including Seoul Philharmonic, Korean Symphony, JeonJu Philharmonic, DaeGu Phiharmonic, KT Chamber Orchestra, GangNam Symphony, ChangWon Philharmonic and Eurasian Philharmonic. Some of his most recent engagements include performances with George Enescu Philharmonic, Korean Symphony, Prague Phiharmonia, KBS Symphony Orchestra and Slovak Philharmonic’s subscription season concert with all Russian program as well as Opening concert of IBK Hall and New Year’s Eve concert at the Seoul Arts Center, complete Shostakovich Piano Concertos with Daegu Philharmonic, appearance as soloist at the Symphonic Festival in Seoul, Solo recital in 10 Classical Stars Series, New Year’s Concert with Ewha Philharmonic Orchestra, Opening concert of SungNam Arts Center and Open Air concert of Chopin Society in Germany.
Mr. Kim’s path to musician’s career all began with piano lessons with his pianist father. Mr. Kim’s talent was recognized early on and at the age of 13 he was invited to study at the Juilliard School in New York and as a budding young artist he went on to further his training in Europe in Salzburg and Hannover. During his years developing as a career musician Won Kim has won top prizes at the Maria Canals International Music Competition, the William Kapell International Piano Competition, the New Orleans International Piano Competition, the St. Charles International Piano Competition and the special prize for the best performance of 20th century music at the Tchaikovsky International Music Competition. His musical talent as young artist had also been recognized as the winner of the B sendorfer Scholarship, the Gina Bachauer Memorial Scholarship, the Chopin Society Scholarship and he was chosen as one of the young artists for the Steans Institute at the Ravinia Festival. Since then Mr. Kim has been performing throughout Europe and Korea in renowned concert venues such as Musikverein Golden Hall in Vienna, Rudolfinum in Prague, Beethoven Kammermusiksaal in Bonn, Palau de la Musica in Barcelona, Romanian Atheneum in Bukarest, Lysenko Hall in Kiev, SungNam Arts Center, Seoul Arts Center and Wigmore Hall. After his successful London debut in Wigmore Hall, Won Kim was invited to become a Sony Artist which resulted in release of his first recording with Sony Classical and  was followed by an extensive concert tour of Korea. He has made several concert tours in Europe and many of his performances have been broadcast in Korea, Europe and North America on DRS Radio, WQXR Radio, KBS FM, Radio Cluj, KBS-TV, MBC-TV and EBS-TV. Along with his busy concert schedule, he is also currently serving as Professor at the Ewha Woman’s University.
Research Record
  • 청년 브람스에게, 슈만 부부로부터 : 클라라 슈만의 《슈만 주제에 의한 변주곡》, Op. 20과 요하네스 브람스의 《슈만 주제에 의한 변주곡》, Op. 9의 비교 분석을 중심으로 音.樂.學, 2016, v.24 no.1, 102~141
    KCI dColl.
  • [전시발표] Symphony in Cavatin Janacek Philharmonic 폴란드, Bielsko-Biala, Cavatina Main Hall, 2023
  • [전시발표] Symphony S.O.N.G Masters Series 2021 Season Kick-Off Concert 대한민국, 서울, 롯데콘서트홀, 2021
  • [전시발표] 음연 초청 김원 피아노 독주회 (R.Schumann) 대한민국, 서울, 예술의전당 IBK챔버홀, 2021
  • [전시발표] Pohang Symphony Orchestra 183th Subscribtion Series Concerto Soloist 대한민국, 포항, 포항문화예술회관 대공연장, 2021
  • [전시발표] 강릉시립교향악단 제111회 정기연주회 대한민국, 강릉, 강릉아트센터 사임당홀, 2019
  • [전시발표] Won Kim Piano Recital - F. Chopin 대한민국, 서울, 이화여대 중강당, 2019
  • 2024-2nd

    • Applied Music Ⅱ

      • Subject No 34825Class No 03
      • 1Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music Ⅳ

      • Subject No 34827Class No 03
      • 2Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music Ⅵ

      • Subject No 34829Class No 03
      • 3Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music Ⅷ

      • Subject No 34831Class No 03
      • 4Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Major Ⅱ

    • Applied Major Ⅳ

    • Applied Major Ⅶ

  • 2024-1st

    • Applied Music Ⅰ

      • Subject No 34824Class No 03
      • 1Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music Ⅲ

      • Subject No 34826Class No 03
      • 2Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music Ⅴ

      • Subject No 34828Class No 03
      • 3Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music Ⅶ

      • Subject No 34830Class No 03
      • 4Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Major Ⅰ

    • Applied Major Ⅳ

    • Applied Major Ⅵ

    • Applied Major Ⅷ

  • 2023-2nd

  • 2023-1st

  • 2022-2nd

    • Applied Music II

      • Subject No 34825Class No 04
      • 1Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music IV

      • Subject No 34827Class No 04
      • 2Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music VI

      • Subject No 34829Class No 04
      • 3Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music VIII

      • Subject No 34831Class No 04
      • 4Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Major Ⅰ

    • Applied Major Ⅲ

    • Applied Major Ⅱ

    • Applied Major Ⅵ

  • 2022-1st

    • Applied Music I

      • Subject No 34824Class No 05
      • 1Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music III

      • Subject No 34826Class No 04
      • 2Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music V

      • Subject No 34828Class No 03
      • 3Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music VII

      • Subject No 34830Class No 05
      • 4Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Major Ⅰ

    • Applied Major Ⅱ

    • Applied Major Ⅴ

  • 2021-2nd

    • Applied Music II

      • Subject No 34825Class No 04
      • 1Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music IV

      • Subject No 34827Class No 04
      • 2Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music VI

      • Subject No 34829Class No 05
      • 3Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music VIII

      • Subject No 34831Class No 05
      • 4Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Major Ⅱ

    • Applied Major Ⅳ

  • 2021-1st

    • Applied Music I

      • Subject No 34824Class No 04
      • 1Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music III

      • Subject No 34826Class No 05
      • 2Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music V

      • Subject No 34828Class No 05
      • 3Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Music VII

      • Subject No 34830Class No 05
      • 4Year ( 2Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Applied Major I

    • Applied Major III