심기남(沈基男) 교수


심기남 프로필 사진

  • 의과대학임상교무부장/보구녀관장
  • 의학관(마곡) 815호
  • 02-6986-3122
  • Clinical Practice Guideline for Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Gut and liver, 2024, v.18 no.1, 10-26
    Scopus dColl.
  • Different modifiable risk factors for the development of non-advanced adenoma, advanced adenomatous lesion, and sessile serrated lesions, on screening colonoscopy Scientific Reports, 2024, v.14 no.1, 16865
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • International Digestive Endoscopy Network consensus on the management of antithrombotic agents in patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy Clinical Endoscopy, 2024, v.57 no.2, 141-157
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • The Effect of Tegoprazan on the Treatment of Endoscopic Resection-Induced Artificial Ulcers: A Multicenter, Randomized, Active-Controlled Study Gut and Liver, 2024, v.18 no.2, 257-264
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • 소화기 내시경 시술 전후 항혈전제 사용 임상진료지침: 2023 IDEN 합의 대한소화기학회지, 2024, v.83 no.6, 217-232
    KCI dColl.
  • Development of functional gastrointestinal disorder symptoms following laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospective cohort study FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 2023, v.10, 1248465
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy within 6 Hours following Bowel Preparation with Polyethylene Glycol Shows Improved Small Bowel Visibility Diagnostics, 2023, v.13 no.3, 469
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 경피내시경위루술 임상진료지침 대한소화기학회지, 2023, v.82 no.3, 107-121
    KCI dColl.
  • 프로바이오틱스는 헬리코박터 파일로리 제균 치료에 도움이 되는가? Korean Journal of Helicobacter Upper Gastrointestinal Research, 2023, v.23 no.1, 1-3
    KCI dColl.
  • Clinical outcomes of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding according to the risk indicated by Glasgow-Blatchford risk score-computed tomography score in the emergency room The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine, 2022, v.37 no.6, 1176-1185
    KCI dColl.
  • Clinical outcomes of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding according to the risk indicated by Glasgow-Blatchford risk score-computed tomography score in the emergency room KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 2022, v.37 no.6, 1176-1185
    SCIE KCI dColl.
  • Fasting Blood Glucose Variability and Unfavorable Trajectory Patterns Are Associated with the Risk of Colorectal Cancer Gut and Liver, 2022, v.16 no.3, 423-432
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Triple Therapy-Based on Tegoprazan, a New Potassium-Competitive Acid Blocker, for First-Line Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III, Clinical Trial Gut and Liver, 2022, v.16 no.4, 533-546
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Triple Therapy-Based on Tegoprazan, a New Potassium-Competitive Acid Blocker, for First-Line Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III, Clinical Trial Gut and Liver, 2022, v.16 no.4, 535-546
    KCI dColl.
  • Cost-Effectiveness, Efficacy, and Safety Analysis of Tailored Therapy in Patients with Helicobacter pylori Infection JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 2021, v.10 no.12, 2619
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Small Bowel Necrosis Associated with Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome: A Case Report The Korean journal of gastroenterology = Taehan Sohwagi Hakhoe chi, 2021, v.77 no.6, 294-299
    Scopus dColl.
  • Spontaneous Rupture of the Right Gastroepiploic Artery Immediately after Gastroscopy Korean Journal of Helicobacter Upper Gastrointestinal Research, 2021, v.21 no.3, 235-238
    KCI dColl.
  • Three-dimensional culture method enhances the therapeutic efficacies of tonsil-derived mesenchymal stem cells in murine chronic colitis model Scientific Reports, 2021, v.11 no.1, 19589
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • A Collision Tumor of the Esophagus: Mixed Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Neuroendocrine Carcinoma The Korean journal of gastroenterology = Taehan Sohwagi Hakhoe chi, 2020, v.75 no.4, 207-211
    Scopus dColl.
  • Changes in performance of small bowel capsule endoscopy based on nationwide data from a Korean Capsule Endoscopy Registry KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 2020, v.35 no.4, 889-896
    SCIE KCI dColl.
  • Clinical impact of pre-hypertension on the risk of cancer in male and female subjects Scientific Reports, 2020, v.10 no.1, 9974
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Comparison of subjective quality of life after endoscopic submucosal resection or surgery for early gastric cancer Scientific Reports, 2020, v.10 no.1, 6680
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Impacts of age and sedation on cardiocerebrovascular adverse events after diagnostic GI endoscopy: a nationwide population-based study Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2020, v.92 no.3, 591-602.e16
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Positive fecal occult blood test is a predictive factor for gastrointestinal bleeding after capsule endoscopy in patients with unexplained iron deficiency anemia: A korean multicenter CAPENTRY study Clinical Endoscopy, 2020, v.53 no.6, 719-726
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Chronic unexplained nausea in adults: Prevalence, impact on quality of life, and underlying organic diseases in a cohort of 5096 subjects comprehensively investigated PLOS ONE, 2019, v.14 no.12, e0225364
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Comparison of the Diagnostic Ability of Endoscopic Ultrasonography and Abdominopelvic Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Gastric Subepithelial Tumors Clinical Endoscopy, 2019, v.52 no.6, 565~573
    KCI dColl.
  • Comparison of the diagnostic ability of endoscopic ultrasonography and abdominopelvic computed tomography in the diagnosis of gastric subepithelial tumors Clinical Endoscopy, 2019, v.52 no.6, 565-573
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Diffuse splenic FDG uptake is predictive of clinical outcomes in patients with rectal cancer SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2019, v.9, 1313
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Gastric Ulcers with Cytomegalovirus Infection in an Immunocompetent Patient Korean Journal of Helicobacter Upper Gastrointestinal Research, 2019, v.19 no.4, 277~281
    KCI dColl.
  • Gender Specific Differences in Prevalence and Risk Factors for Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2019, v.34 no.21, UNSP e158
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Importance of a Diversity Committee in Advancing the Korean Society of Gastroenterology: A Survey Analysis The Korean journal of gastroenterology = Taehan Sohwagi Hakhoe chi, 2019, v.74 no.3, 149-158
    Scopus dColl.
  • Online registry for nationwide database of Helicobacter pylori eradication in Korea: Correlation of antibiotic use density with eradication success Helicobacter, 2019, v.24 no.5, e12646
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Risk Factors for Metachronous Recurrence after Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of a Gastric Neoplasm Korean Journal of Helicobacter Upper Gastrointestinal Research, 2019, v.19 no.3, 184~192
    KCI dColl.
  • The efficacy and safety of irsogladine maleate in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug or aspirin-induced peptic ulcer and gastritis KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 2019, v.34 no.5, 1008-
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • 대한소화기학회 발전에 있어서 다양성위원회의 중요성에 대한 설문 조사 분석 대한소화기학회지, 2019, v.74 no.3, 149~158
    KCI dColl.
  • Efficacy and Safety of UI05MSP015CT in Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial GUT AND LIVER, 2018, v.12 no.5, 516-522
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Factors Associated with Rebleeding in Patients with Peptic Ulcer Bleeding: Analysis of the Korean Peptic Ulcer Bleeding (K-PUB) Study GUT AND LIVER, 2018, v.12 no.3, 271-277
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • The etiology of potential small-bowel bleeding depending on patient's age and gender UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL, 2018, v.6 no.8, 1169-1178
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 경피적 위루관 삽입술의 임상 경과: 단일 기관에서의 관찰 연구 대한소화기학회지, 2018, v.71 no.1, 24~30
    KCI dColl.
  • Comparison of clinical outcomes after endoscopic submucosal dissection and surgery in the treatment of early gastric cancer: A single-institute study MEDICINE, 2017, v.96 no.30
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Diagnostic Yield and Clinical Impact of Video Capsule Endoscopy in Patients with Chronic Diarrhea: A Korean Multicenter CAPENTRY Study GUT AND LIVER, 2017, v.11 no.2, 253-260
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Effectiveness of Capsule Endoscopy Compared with Other Diagnostic Modalities in Patients with Small Bowel Crohn's Disease: A Meta-Analysis GUT AND LIVER, 2017, v.11 no.1, 62-72
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Efficacy of Levofloxacin-Based Third-Line Therapy for the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori in Peptic Ulcer Disease GUT AND LIVER, 2017, v.11 no.2, 226-231
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Emergence of rifampin-resistant staphylococci after rifaximin administration in cirrhotic patients PLOS ONE, 2017, v.12 no.10, e0186120
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of DA-9601 versus its new formulation, DA-5204, in patients with gastritis: Phase III, randomized, double-blind, non-inferiority study Journal of Korean Medical Science, 2017, v.32 no.11, 1807-1813
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Identification of distinctive clinical significance in hospitalized patients with endoscopic duodenal mucosal lesions KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 2017, v.32 no.5, 827-835
    SCIE KCI dColl.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach to Refractory Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Case Series of Angiographic Embolization JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2017, v.32 no.9, 1552-1557
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Quality indicators for small bowel capsule endoscopy Clinical Endoscopy, 2017, v.50 no.2, 148-160
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Triple therapy versus sequential therapy for the first-line Helicobacter pylori eradication BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2017, v.17
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 마우스의 급성 DSS 장염 모델에서 편도 유래 중간엽 줄기 세포의 치료 효과 대한소화기학회지, 2017, v.69 no.2, 119-128
    KCI dColl.
  • 진단 목적의 상부위장관 내시경에서의 진정 관련 이상 반응: 단일 기관의 관찰 연구 Korean Journal of Helicobacter Upper Gastrointestinal Research, 2017, v.17 no.4, 185~189
    KCI후보 dColl.
  • Background Colonic F-18-Fluoro-2-Deoxy-D-Glucose Uptake on Positron Emission Tomography Is Associated with the Presence of Colorectal Adenoma PLOS ONE, 2016, v.11 no.8
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Clinical Outcome of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Versus Surgery for Early Gastric Cancer; A Single Institute Experience in Korea GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY, 2016, v.83 no.5, AB442-AB442
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Clinical outcome of endoscopic submucosal dissection versus surgery for patients with early gastric cancer JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2016, v.34 no.4
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Comparison of sequential therapy and amoxicillin/tetracycline containing bismuth quadruple therapy for the first-line eradication of Helicobacter pylori: a prospective, multi-center, randomized clinical trial BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2016, v.16
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Diagnostic Value of Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy in Isolated Ileitis: A CAPENTRY Study Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 2016, v.62 no.1, 1-8
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Diagnostic Value of Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy in Isolated Ileitis: A Capsule Endoscopy Nationwide Database Registry (CAPENTRY) Study GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY, 2016, v.83 no.5, AB319-AB319
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Diagnostic Yield and Long-Term Outcomes of Capsule Endoscopy in Patients With Unexplained Iron-Deficiency Anemia: A Capsule Endoscopy Nationwide Database Registry (CAPENTRY) Study GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY, 2016, v.83 no.5, AB441-AB442
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Efficacy of Helicobacter pylori eradication on functional dyspepsia in Korean patients; A prospective, multi-center, randomized, open-label, parallel design clinical trial JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 2016, v.31, 68-68
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Intestinal tuberculosis observed by capsule endoscopy: A case report JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 2016, v.31, 134-134
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Long-Term Recurrence Rates of Peptic Ulcers without Helicobacter pylori GUT AND LIVER, 2016, v.10 no.5, 719-725
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • New-onset constipation in prospective first ischemic stroke cohort NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY, 2016, v.28, 36-36
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Online registry for nationwide database of current trend of helicobacter pylori eradication in Korea: Interim analysis Journal of Korean Medical Science, 2016, v.31 no.8, 1246-1253
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Optimal bowel preparation for video capsule endoscopy Gastroenterology Research and Practice, 2016, v.2016
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Sequential therapy versus triple therapy for the first line treatment of helicobacter pylori in korea: A nationwide randomized trial Gut and Liver, 2016, v.10 no.4, 556-561
    SCIE Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Significance of calcium-sensing receptor expression in gastric cancer Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2016, v.51 no.1, 67-72
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • The prevalence of colorectal polyps in patients with gastric cancer. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2016, v.34 no.4
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • The usefulness of capsule endoscopy for small bowel tumors Clinical Endoscopy, 2016, v.49 no.1, 21-25
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Tonsil-derived mesenchymal stem cell ameliorate intestinal fibrosis in chronic murine colitis model JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS, 2016, v.10, S101-S101
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 국내 임상 용량의 양성자펌프억제제에 반응하지 않는 불응성 위식도역류증의 유병률 및 임상양상: 다기관 연구 대한소화기학회지, 2016, v.68 no.1, 16~22
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • 2013년도 개정된 한국인 Helicobacter pylori 감염의 진단 및 치료 임상 진료지침에 대한 학회 회원 인지도 웹 설문조 Korean Journal of Helicobacter Upper Gastrointestinal Research, 2015, v.15 no.2, 95-102
    KCI후보 dColl.
  • A prospective, multi-center, randomized, open-label, parallel design clinical trial to compare 10-day sequential therapy and 14-day modified bismuth quadruple therapy for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in Korea JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 2015, v.30, 128-128
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Outcomes of Cryptogenic Multifocal Ulcerous Stenosing Enteritis in Korea Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 2015, v.60 no.9, 2740-2745
    Scopus dColl.
  • Clinicopathologic factors and molecular markers related to lymph node metastasis in early gastric cancer World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2015, v.21 no.2, 563-569
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Comparison between the effectiveness of oral phloroglucin and cimetropium bromide as premedication for diagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy: An open-label, randomized, comparative study Clinical Endoscopy, 2015, v.48 no.1, 48-51
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • Does the Difference of Invasiveness between Totally Laparoscopic Distal Gastrectomy and Laparoscopy-Assisted Distal Gastrectomy Lead to a Difference in Early Surgical Outcomes? A Prospective Randomized Trial Annals of Surgical Oncology, 2015, v.22 no.6, 1836-1843
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Importance of Patients’ Knowledge of Their Prescribed Medication in Improving Treatment Adherence in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 2015, 23 OCT 2015
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Indications for detection, completion, and retention rates of small bowel capsule endoscopy based on the 10-year data from the Korean capsule endoscopy registry Clinical Endoscopy, 2015, v.48 no.5, 399-404
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • Long-term outcomes of NSAID-induced small intestinal injury assessed by capsule endoscopy in Korea: A nationwide multicenter retrospective study Gut and Liver, 2015, v.9 no.6
    SCIE KCI Scopus dColl.
  • Meta-analysis of Predictive Clinicopathologic Factors for Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Early Colorectal Carcinoma JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2015, v.30 no.4, 398-406
    SCIE KCI Scopus dColl.
  • RUNX3 Methylation, Loss of RUNX3 Expression and Clinicopathologic Findings according to Helicobacter pylori CagA in Gastric Carcinoma The Korean journal of gastroenterology = Taehan Sohwagi Hakhoe chi, 2015, v.66 no.2, 75-84
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • The Korean guideline for gastric cancer screening Journal of the Korean Medical Association, 2015, v.58 no.5, 373-384
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • The use of low-volume polyethylene glycol containing ascorbic acid versus 2 L of polyethylene glycol plus bisacodyl as bowel preparation for colonoscopy Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2015, v.50 no.8, 1039-1044
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Time trend in erosive esophagitis among a healthy Korean population: 4-year single institution experience JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 2015, v.30, 56-56
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • What is the optimal timing of bowel preparation for video capsule endoscopy? Clinical Endoscopy, 2015, v.48 no.3, 183-184
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • 부식제로 인한 상부위장관 손상: 단일 3차 기관의 20년간의 후향적 분석 대한소화기학회지, 2015, v.65 no.1, 12-20
    KCI dColl.
  • 위암 검진 권고안 대한의사협회지, 2015, v.58 no.5, 373-384
    KCI dColl.
  • 조기 진단과 수술로 치료한 식도의 원발성 악성 흑색종 Korean Journal of Helicobacter Upper Gastrointestinal Research, 2015, v.15 no.2, 127-131
    KCI후보 dColl.
  • Clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach GASTRIC CANCER, 2014, v.17 no.1, 43-53
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Iatrogenic rectal diverticulum with pelvic-floor dysfunction in patients after a procedure for a prolapsed hemorrhoid Annals of Coloproctology, 2014, v.30 no.1, 50-53
    Scopus dColl.
  • Involvement of adiponectin in early stage of colorectal carcinogenesis BMC CANCER, 2014, v.14
    SCIE dColl.
  • Is it significant electrolyte and renal function disturbances? Bowel preparation with sodium picosulphate/magnesium citrate for screening colonoscopy JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 2014, v.29, 84-84
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Long-term outcome of capsule endoscopy in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding : a nationwide analysis ENDOSCOPY, 2014, v.46 no.1, 59-65
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Portal Hypertensive Enteropathy Diagnosed by Capsule Endoscopy in Cirrhotic Patients : A Nationwide Multicenter Study DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES, 2014, v.59 no.5, 1036-1041
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Should Capsule Endoscopy Be the First Test for Every Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding? Clinical Endoscopy, 2014, v.47 no.5, 409-414
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • The clinical value of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake on positron emission tomography/computed tomography for predicting regional lymph node metastasis and non-curative surgery in primary gastric carcinoma The Korean journal of gastroenterology = Taehan Sohwagi Hakhoe chi, 2014, v.64 no.6, 340-347
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • 위암 환자에서 림프절 전이와 고식적 수술의 예측에 대한 양전자방출단층촬영에서 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose 섭취 정도의 유용성 대한소화기학회지, 2014, 제64권 6호, 340-347
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • 수면장애와 동반된 위식도역류질환에 관한 연구 대한내과학회지, 2011, v.81 no.5, 602-610
    KCI dColl.
  • 2024-1학기

    • 인체조직과생리Ⅰ

      • 학수번호 37592분반 01
      • 1학년 ( 3학점 , 57시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 소화기계

      • 학수번호 37615분반 01
      • 2학년 ( 3학점 , 69시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 내과학실습Ⅳ

      • 학수번호 37644분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 4학점 , 220시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
  • 2023-2학기

    • 내과학실습Ⅳ

      • 학수번호 37644분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 4학점 , 220시간)
      • 전공필수 전공필수 팀티칭, 의학과 외 수강불가, 자체시간표에 따른 운영
  • 2023-1학기

    • 인체조직과생리Ⅰ

      • 학수번호 37592분반 01
      • 1학년 ( 3학점 , 57시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 소화기계

      • 학수번호 37615분반 01
      • 2학년 ( 3학점 , 69시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 내과학실습Ⅳ

      • 학수번호 37644분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 4학점 , 220시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
  • 2022-2학기

    • 내과학실습Ⅳ

      • 학수번호 37644분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 4학점 , 220시간)
      • 전공필수 전공필수 팀티칭, 의학과 외 수강불가, 자체시간표에 따른 운영
  • 2022-1학기

    • 인체조직과생리Ⅰ

      • 학수번호 37592분반 01
      • 1학년 ( 3학점 , 57시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 소화기계

      • 학수번호 37615분반 01
      • 2학년 ( 3학점 , 69시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 내과학실습Ⅳ

      • 학수번호 37644분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 4학점 , 220시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영

이화여자대학교 의학박사(의학과)