김건희 교수는 간호대학 교수로 학부의 기초간호학과 함께, 대학원의 호스피스전문간호전공 전공책임교수를 담당하고 있다. 이화여자대학교에서 간호학박사(성인간호학), 문학박사(교육측정및평가)를 취득하였고, 재단법인 한국간호교육평가원 사무처장을 역임한 바 있다. 관심연구분야는 웰다잉, 통일간호, 고등교육의 질 등이다.
Factors influencing emergency nurses’ infection control practices related to coronavirus disease 2019 in KoreaAustralasian Emergency Care, 2023, v.26 no.1, 30-35
Relationship between optimism, emotional intelligence, and academic resilience of nursing students: the mediating effect of self-directed learning competencyFRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 2023, v.11, 1182689
Effect of the Strategic Thinking, Problem Solving Skills, and Grit on the Disaster Triage Ability of Emergency Room NursesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2022, v.19 no.2, 987
Effect of work intensity, job stress and somatization symptoms on certified care assistants’ burnout at long-term care facilitiesJournal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 2021, v.23 no.1, 24-33
Quality of Gerontological Nursing and Ageism: What Factors Influence on Nurses' Ageism in South Korea?INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021, v.18 no.8, 4091
What factors influence on dermatology-related life quality of psoriasis patients in South Korea?International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, v.18 no.7, 3624
Effects of Cognition, Daily-living Stress, and Health-promotion Behavior on Subjective Memory Complaints by Community-dwelling Elders노인간호학회지, 2019, v.21 no.3, 135-143
[학술지논문] 김정은 시기 북한이탈주민의 재북 시 결핵관리 경험
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[저역서] 노인간호학
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[저역서] 생리학
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[저역서] 인체 구조와 기능I
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[저역서] 인체 구조와 기능II
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[학술발표] Newly-graduated Nurses’ Education Needs on Residency Program in Surgical UnitsThe 6th Korea China Japan Nursing Conference, 대한민국, 2022-11-02
The 6th Korea China Japan Nursing Conference Program book, 2022
[학술발표] North Korea's Response to COVID-19 through National Broadcasting Program 'Chosun Jung-ang TV'The 6th Korea China Japan Nursing Conference, 대한민국, 2022-11-02
The 6th Korea China Japan Nursing Conference Program book, 2022
[학술발표] 의사결정나무분석에 의한 노인 인지기능 결정요인 탐색2022년도 한국성인간호학회 하계학술대회, 대한민국, 2022-08-18
2022년도 한국성인간호학회 하계학술대회 자료집, 2022