하은희 교수는 산업의학(현 직업환경의학)전공/예방의학 소속 교수로 민감계층 환경보건 분야 연구의 권위자다. 미국 하버드 공중보건대학 교환교수로서 재직한 경험이 있으며, 출생코호트를 기반으로 한 산모와 영유아의 유해환경인자와 건강영향 연구와 환경보건 관련 연구를 진행하고 있다. 현재 한국모자보건학회 학술위원회 위원장을 역임하고 있으며 한국의 환경보건 국제화 및 네트워크 구축을 위해 2012년부터 어린이 환경보건 국제세미나를 매년 주최하고 있다. 현재까지 총 50여편의 논문을 SCI급 국제학술지에 발표했으며, 2011년 공동저자로서 「Children's environmental health-from knowledge to action」 논문을 <Lancet>에 발표했다. 저서로는 『TEXT BOOK OF CHILDREN'S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH』의 공저자로 이름을 올렸으며, 2009년 환경보전유공 대통령 표창, 2018년 환경부 국민포장 수상하였고, 2019년 평생 1회에 한하여 수여되는 이화학술상을 수상한 바 있다.
의학관(마곡) 613호
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월,수,금 오후 5-7시
Air pollution and acute kidney injury with comorbid disease: A nationwide case-crossover study in South KoreaEnvironmental Research, 2024, v.260, 119608
Ambient particulate matter and surrounding greenness in relation to sleep quality among pregnant women: A nationwide cohort studyHeliyon, 2024, v.10 no.5, e26742
Association between long-term PM2.5 exposure and risk of Kawasaki disease in children: A nationwide longitudinal cohort studyEnvironmental Research, 2024, v.244, 117823
Association of maternal ultra-processed food consumption during pregnancy with atopic dermatitis in infancy: Korean Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH) studyNutrition Journal, 2024, v.23 no.1, 67
Association of postnatal exposure to mixture of bisphenol A, Di-n-butyl phthalate and Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate with Children's IQ at 5 Years of age: Mothers and Children's environmental health (MOCEH) studyChemosphere, 2024, v.347, 140626
Decreased estimated glomerular filtration rate increase the risk of pancreatic cancer: A nationwide retrospective cohort studyJournal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia), 2024, v.39 no.2, 392-398
Disparities in the association between ambient temperature and preterm birth according to individual and regional characteristics: a nationwide time-stratified case-crossover studyEnvironmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 2024, v.23 no.1, 23
Fluctuating risk of acute kidney injury-related mortality for four weeks after exposure to air pollution: A multi-country time-series study in 6 countriesEnvironment International, 2024, v.183, 108367
Heat wave exposure and increased heat-related hospitalizations in young children in South Korea: A time-series studyEnvironmental Research, 2024, v.241, 117561
Timely accessibility to healthcare resources and heatwave-related mortality in 7 major cities of South Korea: a two-stage approach with principal component analysisThe Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 2024, v.45, 101022
Association of type 2 diabetes mellitus with lung cancer in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseFRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 2023, v.10, 1118863
COVID-19, maternal, and neonatal outcomes: National Mother-Child Cohort (NMCC) of K-COV-N cohort in South KoreaPLoS ONE, 2023, v.18 no.4 (April), e0284779
Can individual protective measures safeguard cardiopulmonary health from air pollution? A systematic review and meta-analysisEnvironmental Research, 2023, v.229, 115708
Changes in proteinuria and the associated risks of ischemic heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris in Korean populationEPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH, 2023, v.45, e2023088
Changes in smoking status, amount of smoking and their relation to the risk of microvascular complications in men with diabetes mellitusDIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS, 2023 , e3697
Development of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for dietary intake of elementary school children: data from the Seventh Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyNutrition Research and Practice, 2023, v.17 no.4, 747-761
Hospital admission risks and excess costs for neurological symptoms attributable to long-term exposure to fine particulate matter in New York State, USAEnvironmental Research, 2023, v.229, 115954
Prospective association between phthalate exposure in childhood and liver function in adolescence: the Ewha Birth and Growth Cohort StudyEnvironmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 2023, v.22 no.1, 3
The effect of residential greenness during pregnancy on infant neurodevelopment using propensity score weighting: A prospective mother-infant paired cohort studyScience of the Total Environment, 2023, v.894, 164888
A COVID-19 mortality prediction model for Korean patients using nationwide Korean disease control and prevention agency databaseScientific Reports, 2022, v.12 no.1, 3311
Association between exposure to fine particulate matter and kidney function: Results from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyEnvironmental Research, 2022, v.212, 113080
Change in smoking status and its relation to the risk of gastroduodenal ulcer in Korean menJOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 2022, v.37 no.11, 2091-2097
Forecasting of non-accidental, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality with environmental exposures adopting machine learning approachesEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022
Mortality Risk within 14 Days after Coronavirus Disease 2019 Diagnosis in Dementia Patients: A Nationwide AnalysisDementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 2022, v.50 no.5, 425-436
Pre- and postnatal exposure to multiple ambient air pollutants and child behavioral problems at five years of ageEnvironmental Research, 2022, v.206, 112526
Prenatal Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and the DNA Methylation in Cord Blood Cells: MOCEH StudyInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, v.19 no.6, 3292
The association between changes in proteinuria and the risk of cerebral infarction in the Korean populationDIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE, 2022, v.192, 110090
Association between prenatal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and infantile allergic diseases modified by maternal glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms: Results from the MOCEH birth cohortAnnals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2021, v.33, e12
Direct and Indirect Effects of Indoor Particulate Matter on Blood Indicators Related to AnemiaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021, v.18 no.24, 12890
Effect of short-term exposure to fine particulate matter and temperature on acute myocardial infarction in koreaInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, v.18 no.9, 4822
Is short-term exposure to PM2.5 relevant to childhood Kawasaki disease?International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, v.18 no.3, 1-11
Joint association of prenatal bisphenol-A and phthalates exposure with risk of atopic dermatitis in 6-month-old infantsSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2021, v.789, 147953
Long-term exposure to moderate fine particulate matter concentrations and cause-specific mortality in an ageing societyInternational journal of epidemiology, 2021, v.49 no.6, 1792-1801
Prenatal heavy metal exposures and atopic dermatitis with gender difference in 6-month-old infants using multipollutant analysisEnvironmental Research, 2021, v.195, 110865
Reduced Glomerular Filtration Rate and Risk of Stroke: A Nationwide Cohort Study in South KoreaJOURNAL OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND THROMBOSIS, 2021, v.28 no.9, 928-941
Serum Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Levels Predict the Development of Cerebral Infarction in the Korean PopulationNEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISEASE AND TREATMENT, 2021, v.17, 2749-2756
Short-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Hospitalizations for Acute Lower Respiratory Infection in Korean Children: A Time-Series Study in Seven Metropolitan CitiesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021 , 144
The combined effects of fine particulate matter and temperature on preterm birth in Seoul, 2010–2016International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, v.18 no.4, 1-8
Adverse effects of prenatal mercury exposure on neurodevelopment during the first 3 years of life modified by early growth velocity and prenatal maternal folate levelENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2020, v.191, 109909
Age and sex specific target of blood pressure for the prevention of cardiovascular event among the treatment naive hypertensive patientsSCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2020 , 21538
Association between pre-and postnatal growth and longitudinal trends in serum uric acid levels and blood pressure in children aged 3 to 7 yearsBMC Pediatrics, 2020, v.20 no.1, 23
Association between prenatal exposure to PM2.5 and the increased risk of specified infant mortality in South KoreaEnvironment International, 2020, v.144, 105997
Combined effects of multiple prenatal exposure to pollutants on birth weight: The Mothers and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) studyEnvironmental Research, 2020, v.181, 108832
Effects of PM10 on mortality in pure COPD and asthma-COPD overlap: difference in exposure duration, gender, and smoking statusScientific Reports, 2020, v.10 no.1, 2402
Environmental pollutants affecting children's growth and development: Collective results from the MOCEH study, a multi-centric prospective birth cohort in KoreaENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 2020, v.137, UNSP 105547
Impact of an educational program on behavioral changes toward environmental health among laotian studentsInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, v.17 no.14, 1-11
Longitudinal association between environmental tobacco smoke exposure and behavioral problems in children from ages 5 to 9Science of the Total Environment, 2020, v.746, 141327
The Risk for Incident Ischemic Heart Disease According to Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in A Korean PopulationJournal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, 2020, v.27 no.5, 461-470
Association between exposure to ambient air pollution and rheumatoid arthritis in adultsInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, v.16 no.7, 1227
Associations of phthalate exposure with lipid levels and insulin sensitivity index in children: A prospective cohort studySCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2019, v.662, 714-721
Exposure to prenatal secondhand smoke and early neurodevelopment: Mothers and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) studyENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 2019, v.18, 22
Fine particulate matter and incidence of metabolic syndrome in non-CVD patients: A nationwide population-based cohort studyInternational Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2019, v.222 no.3, 533-540
MC4R and HNF4α promoter methylation at birth contribute to triglyceride levels in childhood: A prospective cohort studyMedicine, 2019, v.98 no.28, e16424
The Association Between Mercury Exposure and Atopic Dermatitis in Early Childhood: A Mothers and Children's Environmental Health StudyEpidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 2019, v.30, S3-S8
The Protective Effect of Exclusive Breastfeeding on Overweight/Obesity in Children with High Birth WeightJOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2019, v.34 no.10, UNSP e85
The effects of blood pressure components on cardiovascular events in a Korean hypertensive population according to age and sex A nationwide population-based cohort studyMEDICINE, 2019, v.98 no.33, e16676
A prospective cohort study of the association between bisphenol A exposure and the serum levels of liver enzymes in childrenENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2018, v.161, 195-201
Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and ultrasound and birth measures of fetal growth: A prospective cohort study in KoreaScience of the Total Environment, 2018, v.619-620, 834-841
Association between cadmium and anti-Mullerian hormone in premenopausal women at particular agesAnnals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2018, v.30 no.1, 44
Association between the DNA methylations of POMC, MC4R, and HNF4A and metabolic profiles in the blood of children aged 7-9 yearsBMC PEDIATRICS, 2018, v.18
Association of blood pressure components with mortality and cardiovascular events in prehypertensive individuals: a nationwide population-based cohort studyANNALS OF MEDICINE, 2018, v.50 no.5, 443-452
Association of maternal omega-6 fatty acid intake with infant birth outcomes: Korean Mothers and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH)NUTRITION JOURNAL, 2018, v.17
Associations between prenatal lead exposure and birth outcomes: Modification by sex and GSTM1/GSTT1 polymorphismScience of the Total Environment, 2018, v.619-620, 176-184
Children's Environmental Health Indicators in Context of the Sustainable Development Goals for Small Island Developing StatesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2018, v.15 no.7, 1404
Dietary patterns related to exposure to persistent organic pollutants based on the Ewha Birth and Growth CohortENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2018, v.243, 189-196
Gender difference in the effects of lead exposure at different time windows on neurobehavioral development in 5-year-old childrenScience of the Total Environment, 2018, v.615, 1086-1092
Prenatal Bisphenol-A exposure affects fetal length growth by maternal glutathione transferase polymorphisms, and neonatal exposure affects child volume growth by sex : From multiregional prospective birth cohort MOCEH studyScience of the Total Environment, 2018, v.612, 1433-1441
Prenatal mercury exposure, fish intake and neurocognitive development during first three years of life: Prospective cohort mothers and Children's environmental health (MOCEH) studySCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2018, v.615, 1192-1198
Preventive Effect of Residential Green Space on Infantile Atopic Dermatitis Associated with Prenatal Air Pollution ExposureINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2018, v.15 no.1
Association between maternal intake of n-6 to n-3 fatty acid ratio during pregnancy and infant neurodevelopment at 6 months of age: results of the MOCEH cohort studyNUTRITION JOURNAL, 2017, v.16
Associations of prenatal and early childhood mercury exposure with autistic behaviors at 5 years of age: The Mothers and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) studyScience of the Total Environment, 2017, v.605-606, 251-257
Blood Cadmium and C-Reactive Protein Levels As Risk Factors for Allergic and Respiratory Diseases in Early Childhood: The Mothers and Children's Environmental Health StudyJOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, 2017, v.139 no.2, AB203-AB203
Blood heavy metal concentrations in pregnant Korean women and their children up to age 5 years: Mothers’ and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) birth cohort studyScience of the Total Environment, 2017, v.605-606, 784-791
Effects of adrenal androgen levels on bone age advancement in prepubertal children: Using the Ewha birth and growth cohort studyJournal of Korean Medical Science, 2017, v.32 no.6, 968-973
Neurodevelopment for the first three years following prenatal mobile phone use, radio frequency radiation and lead exposureEnvironmental Research, 2017, v.156, 810-817
Path analysis of prenatal mercury levels and birth weights in Korean and Taiwanese birth cohortsScience of the Total Environment, 2017, v.605-606, 1003-1010
Stability of cognitive development during the first five years of life in relation to heavy metal concentrations in umbilical cord blood: Mothers' and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) birth cohort studyScience of the Total Environment, 2017, v.609, 153-159
The effect of prenatal TVOC exposure on birth and infantile weight: the Mothers and Children's Environmental Health studyPEDIATRIC RESEARCH, 2017, v.82 no.3, 423-428
Corrigendum to 'Effect of hemoglobin adjustment on the precision of mercury concentrations in maternal and cord blood' [Environ. Res. 132 (2014) 407-412]Environmental Research, 2016, 21 JAN 2016
Effect of breastfeeding duration on cognitive development in infants: 3-year follow-up studyJournal of Korean Medical Science, 2016, v.31 no.4, 579-584
Environmental pollution: An underrecognized threat to children’s health, especially in low- and middle-income countriesEnvironmental Health Perspectives, 2016, v.124 no.3, A43-A45
Impact of prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from maternal diet on birth outcomes: a birth cohort study in KoreaPublic Health Nutrition, 2016, 08 April 2016, 1-10
Maternal Stress and Depressive Symptoms and Infant Development at Six Months: the Mothers and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) Prospective StudyJOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2016, v.31 no.6, 843-851
Prenatal Exposure to Perfluorinated Compounds Affects Birth Weight Through GSTM1 PolymorphismJOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016, v.58 no.6, E198-E205
Role of Cadmium and Folate Levels in Risks of Allergic and Respiratory Diseases of Early Childhood: The Mothers and Children's Environmental Health StudyJOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, 2016, v.137 no.2, AB31-AB31
Serum levels of persistent organic pollutants and insulin secretion among children age 7–9 years: A prospective cohort studyEnvironmental Health Perspectives, 2016, v.124 no.12, 1924-1930
The effect of exposure to persistent organic pollutants on metabolic health among Korean children during a 1-year follow-upInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016, v.13 no.3
Birthweight and childhood cancer: Preliminary findings from the international childhood cancer cohort consortium (I4C)Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 2015, v.29 no.4, 335-345
Effect of maternal job strain during pregnancy on infant neurodevelopment by gender at 6 and 12 months: Mothers and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) studyAnnals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2015, v.27 no.1
Evidence that cognitive deficit in children is associated not only with iron deficiency, but also with blood lead concentration: A preliminary studyJOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 2015, v.29, 336-341
Indoor total volatile organic compounds exposure at 6 months followed by atopic dermatitis at 3 years in childrenPediatric Allergy and Immunology, 2015, v.26 no.4, 352-358
Maternal blood manganese and early neurodevelopment: The mothers and children’s environmental health (MOCEH) studyEnvironmental Health Perspectives, 2015, v.123 no.7, 717-722
Maternal folate and lipid profile during pregnancy and risks of allergic and respiratory diseases in early childhood: the mothers and children's environmental health studyALLERGY, 2015, v.70, 62-62
Performance IQ in children is associated with blood cadmium concentration in early pregnancyJournal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 2015, v.30 no.C, 107-111
Relationship Between Prenatal and Postnatal Exposures to Folate and Risks of Allergic and Respiratory Diseases in Early ChildhoodPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY, 2015, v.50 no.2, 155-163
Relationship of maternal grain intake and serum triglyceride levels with infant birth weight: Mothers and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION, 2015, v.69 no.6, 676-680
Relationship of serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels and components of metabolic syndrome in prepubertal childrenNutrition, 2015, v.31 no.42320, 1324-1327
The preventive effect of breast-feeding for longer than 6 months on early pubertal development among children aged 7-9 years in KoreaPublic Health Nutrition, 2015, v.18 no.18, 3300-3307
Association of mid-pregnancy antioxidative vitamin and oxidative stress levels with infant growth during the first 3 years of lifeFOOD & NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2014, v.58
Correlation of Breast Cancer Incidence with the Number of Motor Vehicles and Consumption of Gasoline in KoreaASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION, 2014, v.15 no.7, 2959-2964
Prenatal bisphenol A and birth outcomes : MOCEH (Mothers and Children's Environmental Health) studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 2014, v.217 no.2-3, 328-334
Prenatal exposure to PM10 and NO2 and children's neurodevelopment from birth to 24 months of age : Mothers and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) studySCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2014, v.481, 439-445
Relationship Between Maternal Fat During Pregnancy and Risks Of Allergic and Respiratory Diseases In Early Childhood : The Mothers and Children's Environmental Health StudyJOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, 2014, v.133 no.2, AB125
[학술지논문] The Risk for Incident Ischemic Heart Disease According o Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in A Korean Population
, 461-470
[학술지논문] Association of Long-term Use of Low-Dose Aspirin as Chemoprevention With Risk of Lung Cancer
, 190185-190185
[학술지논문] The Association Between Mercury Exposure and Atopic Dermatitis in Early Childhood A Mothers and Children's Environmental Health Study
EPIDEMIOLOGY, 2019, v.30
, 3-8