"Ask for Ewha" is an online bulletin board where members of the school express their opinions to improve the quality of education and foster the growth of Ewha. By respecting the opinions of other people and institutions, and by promoting healthy, civil, free but also active exchanges of opinions, we would like to ask for your help in building "Ask for Ewha" as a valuable platform to pass on and promote Ewha’s founding ideals, traditions and values, while also respecting the opinions, rights and interests of Ewha members.

For policy suggestions and proposals to help improve Ewha, please visit <Suggestion for University Development>, <Q&A> for inquiries to specific departments, and <Report> to submit various information.

The act of posting a message to slander another person or organization, leaking, damaging, infringing on personal information, disseminating false information or committing defamation may be subject to legal punishment according to relevant laws, and the administrator may delete the offending post or restrict the rights of the poster in accordance with the procedures designated in response to prohibited or inappropriate posts. We ask for your cooperation in creating a healthy online culture.


다른 사람이나 기관을 비방할 목적으로 글을 게시하거나, 개인정보를 누설·훼손·침해하는 경우, 명예를 훼손하거나 허위 사실을
유포하는 행위는 관련법에 따라 법적 처벌의 대상이 될 수 있으며, 관리자는 불건전하거나 부적절한 글에 대해 정해진 절차에 따라
삭제하거나 해당 게시자의 권한을 제한할 수 있음을 알려드립니다. 건강한 온라인 소통 문화 조성을 위해 노력해 주시기 바랍니다.