[Performace & Exhibition] <The Children of Ewha> - Special Exhibition in 2024

  • Ewha Archives Special Exhibition Room
  • 2024.05.21 ~ 2025.05.17 09:30 ~ 16:30
  • 312
  • Ewha Archives

Ewha Archives Special Exhibition in 2024, <The Children of Ewha>

The history of Ewha began with children. In 1886, Kkon-nim, aged 10, entered the school 

and became its first permanent student, followed by a girl named Byeol-dan at the age of 4. 

Ewha served as a home for many poor and nameless children to live and study together. 

It was the goal of Ewha at the time to provide professional education for children and train children’s educators. 

To this end, Ewha opened the country’s first kindergarten for Koreans in 1914 

and established the Ewha Kindergarten Training School program in the following year. 

These were the first few steps in Ewha’s history of being the first among private universities in Korea 

to found a college of education, as well as Ewha Womans University Elementary School. 

This exhibition introduces Ewha’s pivotal historical role in keeping children’s dreams alive.

 Taking a closer look at the history of children at Ewha, 

Ewha Archives hopes that visitors will gain new appreciation for our conviction and philosophy toward children’s education.

Contact Ewha Archives 

02- 3277- 3196

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